The Kingdom of God is Within You?

4 months ago

"The Kingdom of God is within You" is universally misconstrued, filling a great many self-exalting souls with vainglorious ideals. The Kingdom and Holy Spirit are intertwined; yet there are some extremely delusive folks telling anyone who'll hear that the HOLY Spirit is known by a higher brain mechanism: a gray matter secretion that's activated when we practice an esoteric system. It's a heinous lie folks. They're sensual neo-pagan/stuck up people who think they know somethin' yet know nothin: only HARDCORE TEMPORAL DELUSIONS.

Holy Spirit is BEYOND creation, transcending all brain acuity and comes to us from WITHOUT when we're OPEN enough to receive and AWAKE enough to comprehend.

In Luke *17:20-21* Jesus spoke to the Pharisees who certainly didn't have the Kingdom within them (Matthew 23:12-13) - if you read by the Light of Spirit Jesus alluded to BELIEVERS and to a Glorious future wherein the Kingdom is established on earth (Isaiah 9:6-7): thy Kingom come, THY Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven* sorta thing.

If we wanna receive Holy Spirit we must renounce our previous life - whether new age, mysticism, buddhism, hinduism, paganism or whatever - get down on our knees and sincerely REPENT. Pray for God to give His Spirit and He will; but if you FEEEEEL nothing, don't despair... Not everyone feels somethin (feelings are overrated: our flesh is delusive and full of iniquity. Contrary to new age thought feelings *aren't* a hotline to *truth* but to *strong delusion*).

If you're not sure you've received Spirit you may've somethin to work out (or sacrifice) regarding lifestyle. Developing FAITH is important because so many "christians" give up theirs, become apostates and *run their mouths* off about how christianity is a delusion; but it's THEY who are delusional; the mind is Satan's dominion: a sly little devil has slithered into their minds and that's because not the LORD but a *lordly intellect* rules their roost.

Forget 'em: read God's Word regularly. Turns out that's the Bible, which came as much a surprise to me as it likely is to you. The world tells lies about the WORD but Glory BE! Spirit tells the *truth.*

Holy Spirit can be gleaned in our lives by the sense that we've an OPENED understanding of the Bible.

We live in a spiritually perverted world in which *Discipline* and loyalty to the LORD is crucial. The christian faith is like no other because we believe in the One TRUE God who - in All Wisdom - doesn't pander but *disciplines* His children: *“My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor be weary when reproved by him. For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives.”* AND: *"But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons."* Which tends to put a lot of half-hearted, comfort seeking aspirants or sensitive souls right off the *very narrow path* that leads to HEAVEN (Matthew 7:13-14).

It takes BRAVERY to be a Follower because Satan ever so slyly targets christians more. That's why we gotta put on the WHOLE Armour of GOD (Ephesians 6:11)

Observing and being involved in so much *deception* for 30 years I'm certain there *really is* a HELL and a great many souls are going. If we believe in JESUS we gotta believe it regardless of what any worldly wise liberal demagogues says 'cos Jesus spoke of Hell. In that regard the *fear of the LORD* is the beginning of true knowledge (Matthew 10:28)

There's no oncoming "NewAge" of *love 'n' light* on the terms of man, woman or E.T. No future Utopia in which we *"Do What Thou Wilt"* and have all we desire. The end-times are clearly *dead ahead;* a time of tribulation and Antichrist is near.

Apostle Paul: *“Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men”* (2 Corinthians 5:11). The cRaZy Charismatics and New Agers can wrest *1 John 4:18* (“perfect love casteth out fear") to their own destruction all they want; but you're a FOOL if you aren’t scared of standing before GOD ALMIGHTY and watching your works go *up in smoke.* Many will have nothing to show HIM because of a lifetime of living for SELF.

“Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling”* (Philippians 2:12) is good advice. If you keep *in mind* that sometime, somewhere, you're going to face *God’s judgment* on your works, you’ll “get scared and stay scared,” for, having a good, *healthy* fear of God will help you *live right.* God is LOVE but also HOLY and RIGHTEOUS and will judge sin.

So be in RIGHTEOUS JESUS who ever so Gracefully cleanses us of sin.

For Infinite Truth please accept Yahusha/Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour: Awakening to Jesus' SAVING GRACE is the true *Great Awakening.* Jesus is the truth that sets us *really free* (John 8:36).

I'm an ex awakened ne-vedantic (hindu roots) new ager converted to the *true Christ* by the Holy Spirit. Check my BLOG for reams of Spirit Inspired Insight

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