20240824 100240 Tux Paper Towel Panic

2 months ago

#Tux appears to be in a panic because he thinks that we've run out of paper towels. He probably doesn't even remember this, but 2-3 months ago he shredded the outer half of this roll when it was new -- the only time that he's done anything quite like that (no toilet paper attacks, etc.).

Little does he know that paper towels are a relatively common, commodity item, and are readily available. In fact, more new rolls live elsewhere in the apartment, apparently without his knowledge. Maybe I'll introduce him to its replacement and see what he does with it. Unclear if he needs to be in "the mood" to maul it, or if they're always vulnerable paper products.

Given that he's acted similarly with a toilet paper tube, it's not clear exactly where is aggression towards rolled paper products will lead us.

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