SIN od on SIN odality

4 months ago

Pope Francis' anti-Catholic synod on synodality continues. When looking at video of it, it looks like a different church. So what is Francis really doing? It seems obvious that he is at least trying to more diminish the Catholic Church's influence in the world. It seems that Francis is an infiltrator into the Catholic Church, if not, then he is acting like it.
It seems that Francis wants to also end the concept of sin. Again his actions, such as wrecking Pope St. John Paul's Institute for Family and Marriage and approving so-called same-sex unions in Fiducia Supplicans by granting blessings to such unions.
Francis continues to take ther Catholic Church away from being Catholic, no matter his motivations. The Catholic Church has to return to being Catholic, including returning to the Latin Mass if it wants to make a comeback and thus return to being a moral compass for the world.

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