Episode Title: Columbus Day, Aidan Hutchinson, AI Cigars, Haunted I-4 & More: Cigar News,

4 months ago

In this week’s episode, we dive into trending topics across cigars, sports, and the supernatural. We discuss Columbus Day 2024 and Indigenous Peoples Day, exploring the evolving perspectives on these holidays. On the sports front, we highlight the Detroit Lions’ rising star, Aidan Hutchinson, and the ongoing drama with Jim Harbaugh. We then take a deep dive into the cigar world, covering Bentley Tobacco’s groundbreaking AI cigar project, Drunk Chicken Cigars’ partnership with City of Palms Distribution, and Néstor Plasencia’s 75th birthday celebration cigar. We’ll also touch on Viaje’s spooky release of The Crow, just in time for Halloween.

In our second half, we explore Florida’s haunted history, with a chilling look at the ghostly apparitions and deadly accidents on Interstate 4—known as “The Dead Zone.” Plus, we’ll cover major industry news including Kretek’s new role with Clipper lighters and the return of The Tabernacle Knight Commander for 2024.

#ColumbusDay #IndigenousPeoplesDay #AidanHutchinson #JimHarbaugh #BentleyTobacco #AICigar #DrunkChickenCigars #CityOfPalms #NestorPlasencia #ViajeCigars #TheCrow #Kre

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