Dr. Charles Hoffe, Lytton, BC, Family Doctor - Takes Down Weaponized HPOA

4 months ago

Dr Charles Hoffe is a family doctor from Lytton, BC.

Early in the vaccine rollout began he sent an open letter to Dr Bonnie Henry to inform her, and the public, of the serious Covid vaccine side-effects which he saw in his own patients. All of his efforts to inform both public health, and the people of BC, of the evidence of harm has been met with denial, censorship and threats from the medical authorities who called it to be misinformation.

He was fired from the ER by Interior health, for saying that a person with natural
immunity to Covid does not need a vaccination.

He has done extensive public speaking exposing the risks from the Covid vaccines resulting in the College of Physicians and Surgeons issuing a citation against him for alleged professional misconduct.

He is awaiting trial by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC for his crime of drawing attention to vaccine injuries, and advocating for early treatment with
ivermectin as an alternative to the vaccine.

Dr Hoffe's experiences during the Covid pandemic reveals a deep-seated corruption, and systemic cover-up of the evidence of harm by public health.

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