How to Download YouTube Videos using MacOS Terminal (MP4 & MP3)

4 months ago

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In this video we use MacOS's terminal and yt-dlp, which is a feature-rich command line audio / video downloader.

Link to the Github repo & DOCUMENTATION:

**Terminal commands**

//Checks the version of homebrew, which is a package manager for MacOS
brew --version

//If you don't have homebrew installed, run this command:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

//After you have homebrew installed, install yt-dlp:
brew install yt-dlp

//checks the version of yt-dlp
yt-dlp --version

//This is the command to download a YouTube Video in mp4 format
yt-dlp "" -o '~/Documents/fartvideo.%(ext)s'

//this installs the file converter ffmpeg
brew install ffmpeg

//this checks the version of ffmpeg
ffmpeg -version

//this downloads the video in mp3 format (audio only)
yt-dlp "" -o '~/Documents/fartsound.%(ext)s' -x --audio-format mp3

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