Your Favourite Movies... But They're Writing Prompts

4 months ago

What if your favourite movies were turned into writing prompts? We each took 10 popular movies and turned them into a creative writing prompt, and then we played a guess the film game where we each tried to guess which movie the prompts belonged to. After that, we each chose our favourite movie writing prompts and wrote short stories from them.

✍This week's creative writing prompts:
☆Choose 10 movies from the IMDB top 250 list and turn them into creative writing prompts. Ideally, choose 5 you have seen, and 5 you have not.
☆Choose one of your 10 prompts and turn it into a short story (500-1000 words)

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00:00:00 Coming Up
00:03:09 Movies as writing prompts
00:38:20 Zilver's Story
00:51:08 Ryan's Story

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