Ride to Perdition - Luciferian Doctrine – 8-Occult Series –

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The occult Luciferian world is more than what the moves portray. Instead, it uses logic, reason, makes detailed plans and uses detailed analysis to build off. That hides their intentions in plain sight –blinding many to enjoy their ride to perdition. How does Luciferainism do this? Find out…

It is like watching a runaway train rushing your way and you can’t get off the tracks.

All Bible verses cited from the KJV, NKJV, ESV, and NASB; Pictures from Pixabay, Pinterest, Istock, Shutterstock
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All Bible verses cited from the KJV, NKJV, ESV, and NASB; Pictures from Pixabay, Pinterest, Istock, Shutterstock
Content Protected by Section 107 of the Copyright Act For research, education, criticism & News
Website: Afterhoursministries.com
Email - bwmelvin1@gmail.com
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Content Protected by Section 107 of the Copyright Act For research, education, criticism & News
Sources, Alice Bailey 7 Rays of Initiation, AP Blavatsky – Secret Doctrine
https://blavatskytheosophy.com/the-se... https://www.arvindus.com/publications... https://www.theosophy.world/encyclope... https://content.edgarcayce.org/.../th... https://blavatskytheosophy.com/the-se... https://www.skyscript.co.uk/7bodies.html
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