Yiedl Machine Learning Project

3 months ago

The Yiedl Project is a decentralized asset management platform that aims to address the shortcomings of traditional asset management by leveraging blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, and community-driven decision making. This whitepaper outlines the project's goals, functional design, and tokenomics, with a focus on solving the principal-agent problem in asset management by aligning the interests of investors and fund managers. Yiedl utilizes a decentralized AI competition to aggregate predictions from a global community of data scientists and leverages the collective intelligence to drive investment decisions.

NB: I heard about the NotebookLM from Google, and decided to try it out with one of my favourite projects. I was surprised at the results. Anyway, why not take a listen and tell what you think.

The paper can be found here: https://4008831439-files.gitbook.io/~/files/v0/b/gitbook-x-prod.appspot.com/o/spaces%2F-MfgL62_XY4H72oBQKhj%2Fuploads%2FxqkkfrtKxmlN0AjmUfWL%2Fthe-yiedl-project.pdf?alt=media&token=094f88c7-8bad-4370-9b6b-588a76af6ce9

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