Burning Man is the Revival of Wicker Man Death Rituals

4 months ago

Can you handle the truth?
Study wicker man: https://old.bitchute.com/video/3YuiRPMqlXWG/

Study "Satan's Sheep Slaughter" : https://old.bitchute.com/video/p7GDqrN2ay8a/
The A.i. supercomputer becomes the top of the pyramid on the back of the USA oil-buck. It radiates the microwave-light of control to all the brainchipped minions who now form the brainchip-hivemind-army conducting WWIII against the non-cUlt-sworn people of Western Civilization.
Burning Man is about using the A.i.-Lucifer commanding the rebuilt Tower-Of-Babel TOB.ezyro.com

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1jW0otv4Yg

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