MZTV 1583: The "Jurisdiction of Darkness" Vs. "The Kingdom of the Son of God's Love"

3 months ago

Any teacher in the body of Christ who loves the current eon, that is, who is wired to not only hope for an extension of what Paul calls “the current wicked eon” (Galatians 1:4) but who grasps at any teaching purporting to either wipe out the snatching away or prolong the era of Satanic jurisdiction (Ephesians 2:2; 2 Corinthians 4:4), must be called out continually for it. Such a teacher—in this case, Clyde Pilkington—works against the God-given inclination of sincere saints who wish to be extricated OUT of the wicked eon (Galatians 1:4), not extend their time in it.

For those with a distaste for one teacher calling out another (that is, for those who hate seeing 2 Timothy 4:2—“expose, rebuke, and entreat­”—put into action), this section is short. The lion’s share of today’s presentation compares what Paul calls “the jurisdiction of darkness” with “the kingdom of the Son of His Love” (Colossians 1:13). Here are the Cliff Notes: the jurisdiction of darkness sucks; the kingdom of the Son of His Love rocks.

The good news is that we are about to be “transported” (Paul’s word; Colossians 1:13) from one realm to the other. For those who would be disappointed to learn of our deliverance from sickness and death, I commend to you Clyde Pilkington’s article, “The Era is Limitless,” from Bible Student’s Notebook, Volume #488, in which he expresses his wish that this eon of darkness, wickedness, and death be prolonged for at least 500 more years—a thousand would be better. If you do decide to read Mr. Pilkington's article, bring a bottle of Jack Daniels with you. You're going to need it.

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