Acts Chapters 5:11-6 (Part 4)

4 months ago

How does Godly fear keep you in check in your life? How do you respond to sin? Last week we read the story of Ananias and Sapphira and their punishment for sins against God as the early Church was forming. We continue today in Acts 5:11 - 6:15, as this story would be remembered in the hearts of early Christians as to why the commitment to Jesus needed to be firm. Joining the believers of Christ was no casual matter. God blessed the purified church with the anointment of healing through the apostles, especially Peter. Peter, John and the apostles were persecuted and imprisoned by the Sadducees, just as Jesus was during his earthly days. Do you speak boldly when persecuted or shamed for teaching about Jesus? Are you more concerned about the approval of man or that of God? What surprise did the Sadducees witness regarding the imprisoned apostles? Peter and John were commanded to stop teaching about Jesus, but in obedience to God they continued. Will we have such obedience when it becomes difficult to preach the Word of God? Scripture instructs us to submit to authority, but our obedience to God is absolute even if the result is punishment or possibly death. In Chapter 16, we see a division uprising in the early church, but it was handled with grace and as a result, brought many more into the faith. Stephen was a man, both spiritually and practically minded, elected as one of the seven men to hold leadership roles (servants) within the Church. He was bold, and performed great wonders and signs. He was arrested, and when Stephen defeated the Jews in debate, the Jews spread lies and false witness against him; that he was speaking against Moses and God. But all the council who looked upon Stephen remarked that he had a face of an angel. Stay to the end to hear how Stephen sets a good example of how to respond when your character is under attack.

This is a verse-by-verse Bible study, allowing deep understanding and context of God's Word. This audio-only recording was adapted from a live Zoom meeting that originally took place on 10/13/24.

Amy offers online Biblical Christian counseling. For more information, visit her website at or email her at

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