(2005) Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited - The Hidden Cult

4 months ago

Jewish Satanic Ritual Abuse survivor (Oprah Winfrey 1989)

I am sure many of you have already watched the May 1989 Episode on Oprah where Vicki Polin "Rachel" talked about her Jewish family ritually sacrificing babies or young children for the sole purpose of receiving MONEY$ & POWER from this act.
She said her Jewish family has a history of Satanic Ritual Abuse going back to the 1700's. Says her family worships the devil in their private home. She was forced to participate in rituals in which babies would be sacrificed.

She came across a booked titled "Lilith's Cave: Jewish Tales of the Supernatural" which describes a lot of what she endured with her Jewish family.

This story relates a lot to what illuminati Money Man Ronald Bernard said about these satanic Jewish bankers he worked for were really Luciferians with Jewish names.

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