Steve Yates: CCP Uses American Money to Buy Influence Against Us

4 months ago

10/14/2024 Steve Yates, Senior Research Fellow at The Heritage Foundation: It's Americans who have had unfavorable and silly economic relations with the Chinese Communist Party that's flooded them with money that CCP now uses to buy influence against us in our own near abroad. We need to change this trend. Now even Wall Street people who used to be very bullish about China and had large investments there have been pulling back their money.
#Caribbean #influence #Barbados #ccp #wallstreet
10/14/2024 美国传统基金会高级研究员叶望辉:正是那些与中共有不利且愚蠢经济关系的美国人让中共变得富有,现在他们正用这些钱在我们的周边地区购买影响力来对付我们。我们需要改变这一趋势。现在,即使是那些曾经非常看好中国市场、在华有大量投资的华尔街人士,也在开始撤资。
#加勒比海 #影响力 #巴巴多斯 #中共 #华尔街 #以美灭美

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