Prophet Amanda Grace - Eric Trump Clay Clark Amanda Grace Discussing Nation What’s to Come-Captions

4 months ago

In this video, Amanda Grace, Clay Clark and Eric Trump discuss the importance of faith and the upcoming events organized to bring faith leaders together. They emphasize the need for prayer and the protection of the Trump family, especially during the time of Yom Kippur. They also announce the upcoming Night of Prayer for the Nation and the Trump family, scheduled for October 27th. The video ends with a call to share the broadcast and prepare for the powerful Night of Prayer.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Amanda! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 10-11-2024 and may be watched here: 👉

Join Amanda, Eric Trump and Clay Clark as they discuss the nation, current events, the election and what’s to come. Tune in Oct. 11 at 11am ET.

Music Copyright References:
-21981893-Corporate And Inspirational Cinematic Background Music (1.00 Minutes Version) by StockAudios/Pond 5
-151471022-Uplifting Inspirational Corporate by Patrick_Schlebes/Pond5
-154756307-Magic Fireflies Loop Version2(Modern And Relaxing Background) by Lesya_NZ
-123859534-Successful Product Presentation 60S - P5 by wolfgangwoehrle
-105166597-Believe in You (Inspirational And Uplifting)- P5 by DivaProductionMusic
Music License:
Purchase ID/Date: 7365245 / 9-29-2023
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Hello hello everyone we are live today welcome October 11th, 20twenty-four, it is Yam Kipur the holiest day on the Jewish calendar the day of atonement the day the Jews believe that the verdict comes down of a 10-day trial that begins after Rosh Hashanah it comes down within this next twenty-four hours so welcome to everybody jumping on in the United States and around the world we have two amazing gentlemen with us we have Trump and Clay Clark with us. So, what I'm going to do is I'm going to open up in prayer right away and we're going to bring them in but I do not think it is any accident that the lord reorchestrated things that Clay Clark and Eric Trump are coming on on Yom Kippur. I really think that says something right there about where we're going in the nation. So, let's open up in prayer. Welcome to everyone and we'll bring them in. Father God, in the precious name of your son, Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach. We come before this day. We praise you father God. You are a holy God. You are high and lifted up for above every power, principality, and might. We give you all the glory, honor, and praise to your precious name. Father, we just praise you and acknowledge the sacrifice of your son Jesus Christ on the cross. He was the word became flesh. He dwelt among us. He willingly died for our sins. He purchased us with the highest price. He redeemed us. He reconciled us back to you. He rules and reigns at your right hand forevermore. He is the king of kings and the lord of lords and we honor that before you this day. Father, we just invite your presence in, the presence of Rawak Elohim, the spirit of the living God, and the Holy Spirit, the fill this place father God. Lord, we just ask father God that your power move during this time lord lead and guide us in your wisdom, counsel, might, power, and the reverential fear of the lord. By the power of the blood of Jesus Christ by the spirit of the one true living God. May only the truth and power of almighty God with authority now come forth lord in Jesus name. Father, we glorify your name Father, you are the potter that molds us. We are vessels that you fill to do extraordinary things lord for your glory. We praise you for this time father God. We praise you. We're all gathered together here today on Yon Kippur. We thank you for it. We give you all the glory in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen and amen. Amen. Praise the lord. I find when I hand things over to the lord, first things go far better than if I try to do it myself. So, let's bring in Eric Trump and Clay Clark. Hi. Hey man. Hello gentlemen. How are you? We're doing good. We're doing very good. Yes okay so I want to talk about you know recent happenings. I'm going to give you guys the floor. I'll interject some but I want to really give you the floor to talk about what what you really want to say on this day. Like I said I don't think this is any accident we're doing this today. Well, okay. I'll say this. First off, I Eric Trump, a lot of people don't know this and this is not Eric Trump commercial but this is facts. People know this because people always ask me, they say, what does Eric Trump do exactly? What does he do? They know that Baron is taller than most people. They know that Don does a lot of podcasts. They say, what does Eric do? Eric runs the the Trump organization. So, you talk about there's thousands and thousands of employees. It's a multi-billion-dollar organization and he responds to with a greater enthusiasm than anybody I've ever met. I mean this guy is the most subpoenaed man in the world. However, I mean folks if you're watching this, if you've ever had to respond to one subpoena or you've ever had to manage even a hundred employees, you know what your schedule's like. However, this man reached out, we got to talking and he is also organizing America's faith leaders. So, Doctor Ben Carson, Eric Trump, and then President Donald J Trump, they're going to all be addressing America's faith leaders on October 21st and because Eric had nothing else going on, he's also joining us on the final Reawaken America Tour. So, again, if you're watching today's show and you've ever managed 100 people and you've ever been subpoenaed one time, you might find it hard to find time to participate in a rallies to save America but he does both and he found time to organize a faith leaders event and Eric, I'm eternally grateful, sir. Yes. Well, well, thank you my friend and and Boa, I've I've never been more excited about two events to tell you the truth. The faith leaders event's going to be incredible and and and Amanda Play and you know this very well but Play has been like the backbone of of so much of this event and he's he's an amazing guy and listen at the end of the day if you boil it down right I mean you know taking the pleasantries out of it. You know faith in America is absolutely under attack. Faith faith throughout the world is under attack. Yeah. Um you know you have Jewish students in in New York City right now who can't walk across campuses without getting bullied and and and beaten up because of their faith because they want to wear a star around neck and this can't happen in the United States of America. It's it's appalling. It's atrocious but that's what's happening right now. You know, they're trying to get God out of schools or trying to get God out of societies or trying to get God out of communities. Mm hmm. Um and at the same time, you see a lot of degradation in society right now. You just do on on every aspect and you know, you and I, Amanda talked about it a bunch of times but you know, what what can't you know, religion and principles and values and morals and and and religious teachings and and the Bible it can solve a problems. Amen. And and you know we we need faith. Um you know listen we're we're we're a nation that believes in God. Uh we're a nation that was founded on the principles of of religion and and and and God. Um and you know it it it breaks our heart and you know you see the whole First Amendment. Obviously freedom of of of speech is totally under attack. I mean they would never allow me to have this conversation on ABC or NBC or CBS or MSNBC or any of the other ones right? I mean freedom of speech is totally under attack. We get sent every single day. And by the way just about every person every person that believes and faith and every evangelical out there it's probably the most censored segment of our society in so many ways I mean they've been turned off the dials have been turned down they've reposted certain things they've been they've been banned they've been I mean it's it's terrible but then you actually look at the war against faith and you know I mean we've spent a lot of time Clay and I have spent a lot of time talking about this I talked about it almost all the reawakened offense and that you know at what point like why do they want to take one nation you know under God off of our currency why do they want to take under God out of the pledge of allegiance do they want to take the pledge of allegiance out of our schools? You know why why do they I mean why do they want to get rid of I mean my father was frankly the president that kept the tax exempt status for churches you know want to make these at the you know taxable entities. I mean I can go on and on but in on every facet. I mean you had Obama's IRS that were because you know they were literally targeting his IRS were targeting people of faith you know institutions of faith you know they were targeting them with with with you know horrible audits IRS audits all because they were there are people that believed in in in God and faith in in in this country the very principles that our our our nation was built on and you see what's happening on the streets you see the crime pandemics you see the drug pandemics in this country general character of of of of certain people and it's eroding and it wouldn't be eroding if you had a family unit, if you had more faith, if you had more church, if you had more biblical teachings. Um and and that's why I said listen we've gotta get the most important people together. Um and we've gotta be very loud. Um you know so many people including Republicans have bitten their tongues for so long. You know that they haven't wanted to make waves. They haven't wanted to ruffle feathers. They wanted to sit in the back corner and you know think that these problems would just kind of go past them if they were if they were quiet. They just minded their own business. Mm hmm. Um and for everyone of those and by the way, we were probably some of those people additionally and that tactics hasn't worked. In fact, I I think they've weaponized that silence. They've weaponized that lack of fight and I think it's time for people to come out, stand up, you know, and and and be very very vocal in terms of the things that we all believe in. Amen. Amen to that and and if you for gentlemen for a moment, I'd like to speak to the evangelicals just for like a minute or two here. You are not doing your God-given duty that is in the declaration of independence that men died for to give you that right to vote and when the colonies were formed all 13 colonies required a declaration of faith to serve in government 12 protestant one Catholic all required a declaration of faith and for you to say well I don't want to get involved I don't want to vote you are doing what the 12, 000 protestant pastors did in Germany that paved the way for tyranny to rise to power this is your God-given duty liberty is freedom with responsibility this is your responsibility Hey man I want to interject something here real quick and this again it's not a shameless Eric Trump commercial but it's going to feel like that I sincerely feel this way last night I got invited to attend a Republican event I won't mention the name and I was there I really don't like to go Republican events and Eric I'm sure you can't relate to this but I go and I find there's people in the group that are fake Republicans and I'm sure you've never seen them and there's I honestly I have never seen one of those I'm shocked to hear that and there and they're a lot worse than Democrats because they come across as being pro you know America pro constitution, pro capitalism and they they brought in a keynote speaker and he got up and spoke and he talked about how we don't need to talk about God in politics. We just we don't need to do it. Now, I wanted you to think about this for a second. Um Eric Trump and his father, Donald J Trump and then Don Junior, the whole Trump family. They stand unapologetically for the constitution and with Israel. Controversial ideas. So, look this up folks. Genesis chapter twelve verse three. Everyone it up. Genesis chapter twelve verse three it says I will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you I will curse and all peoples on the earth will be blessed through you. The Trump family has unapologetically stood up for both Israel and for the United States Constitution in America. And if you took Israel out of the Middle East I mean Eric you've done work in the Middle East. You do work in the Middle East. You take Israel out of the Middle East. I don't even know what that would look like. But again I am so thankful. I'm it brings me to tears that Eric Trump would say hey let's organize the faith leaders and get them together at this 11th hour where the Republican event last night in Oklahoma was literally saying we should not talk about God ever within the context of American politics and so Eric I just want to get your thoughts on your support for Israel because you and your family have done so much for Israel obviously your brother-in-law is Jewish I just want to hear you talk about that a little bit if you could Yeah my brother-in-law is is Jewish is is Orthodox Jewish and he's a he's an amazing man and Israel's an amazing contrast over there you know right before kind of the atrocious act that that we all saw you know witness on TV and believe me they're coming after them and you know you've got countries Iran right now I mean they're coming after them you see the rocket attacks you see they're trying to destroy and by the way listen we're in this together Iran is also out there chanting death to America Iran is also a country that's trying to you know assassinate my father and assassinate you know me frankly. I mean it's probably the first time I've ever said that but you know they they're they're real credible threats on me. They're real credible threats on on my father. Yeah. They know that. Um and and and a couple other family members. So you know they're out there in the streets of Tehran chanting death to America. They they don't like our our way of life. They're trying to get nuclear weapons. Uh believe me they would use them against Israel and they would use them against us and it's it's it's savagery. I mean it's truly truly savagery and Israel is an amazing place. Israel is an incredible place. I've been everywhere in the country and see what they're, you know, as a small country with a small population to see what they're up against is kind of unthinkable and then, you have people in congress who, you know, they ask for help with the Iron Dome and they, you know, literally turn down. Remember, these aren't offensive weapons. These are defensive weapons. They literally turn down that kind of assistance. They turn down their ability to defend themselves which, you know, they obviously need America for. They're willing to pay need America to help produce and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense but no guys just very simply I mean family is is on the decline faith is on the decline in this country and there's nothing that I think poisons the bedrock of country more than that you need parents you you need a type family structure God willing can't always exist we we we know that it can't always exist bad things happen but the more we can push family the more we can push faith the more we can push Values and and and and beautiful teachings. The more we can keep kids off the street. The more we can keep them away from drugs. We can put them in churches. Um it's such an you know but but for some reason they don't want that. And I don't know why. I don't know why there's such a faith on you know war on faith. I don't know why there's a a war on drug. It doesn't make sense. I mean why do they put so much time fighting something that's so beautiful. That's that's to to our core. The revision is history right now that you're seeing in textbooks. Look at that. That God from from even the you know the bedrocks of the founding of this country. Uh it's deeply perversive. It's something that worries us greatly. I agree with that. Amanda I wanted to interject this about couple just logistical details I see in the comments some people are asking they want to know so I want to give people a lot of details and and maybe Eric you can elaborate on this but the first off we have the Reawaken America Tour which is October 18th and 19th that's going to be in Selma North Carolina so Selma North Carolina there are 181 tickets left right now whatever that means I just see a little ticker here that shows the tickets so have 181 left so if you're watching right now you go to Time to Free America. com you can name your pro So, what does that mean? You can literally pay whatever price you want to pay and as I've been sued, the Reawaken America's been too sued for talking about these issues plaguing our nation. Um and my subpoenas when I get whoever you get subpoena, they want to see your phone records. They want to see all your financial transactions and they can't understand why I would host the Reawaken America Tour event at a loss and let people name their price and I do it because I really do believe it's the 11th hour in this country and I I I really think this is our final opportunity to turn this ship around and so if you go to Time to Free America. com if you mention that you heard about the Reawaken Tour through Amanda Grace you have a chance to win a backstage pass but again you can name your price. Now let's talk about the Faith Leader event. So October 18th and nineteenth Selma North Carolina. Find a way to get there. We're doing a massive fundraiser for the families that have been impacted by the floods. We're going to do a massive fundraiser as well. Again that's Selma North Carolina. October 18th and nineteenth. What's the website? Time to Free America. com. Second is this 11th hour faith leader meeting isn't the URL it's a little bit longer but it's Time to Free America. com forward slash Donald dash J dash Trump so Time to Free America. com forward slash Donald dash J dash Trump and people say why are you bringing in the world's best-selling Christian author Rabbi Jonathan Khan why is he going to be speaking well why is President Donald J Trump going to be speaking why is Doctor Ben Carson going to be speaking why will Eric Trump be speaking the reason why is it Literally is the eleventh eleventh hour in America and with the with the discernment that God has given the Trump family. Uh Eric has you know behind the scenes work to put this thing together. You might say well what are you charging for these tickets? Is it $1, 000? Is it thousands? What are you doing? No this is an event where the pastors don't have to pay a dime. The purpose of this is to activate America's faith leaders. I encourage everyone to write this down and assume I'm making it up. According to Barna Research, George Barna Research, the leading research team for Christian evangelicals just 51% of American voters Eric American faith leaders or American believers plan on voting think about that just 50% of American Christians which I am plan on voting in elections and that's 51% so we have 210 million I'm throwing out a lot of numbers but approximately 210 million Americans that identify as Christians and if we even had one percent again an additional 1% of Christians would go vote President Donald J Trump would be too big to rig and so we are bringing in the largest pastors the most impactful the most influential all at great expense with both time and and money and they're all coming in together so that Donald J Trump can articulate his vision for America and his vision to support the faith leaders in America so this is an 11th hour event and if you're watching this right now the event is technically all booked out but if you are a pastor or a ministry leader and you believe that you need to be at this, we are vetting everybody, you can go to Time to Free America. com forward slash Donald dash J dash Trump and you can request an invite only ticket. So, what does that mean? You request a ticket. I'm going to call you. We're going to talk. I talked to a pastor yesterday, Eric of one of the largest churches in Texas. It's massive. Over 10000 people go to this man's church and he said, I'm frankly a little bit undecided and I said can can I ask how are you undecided he goes well I just I'd love to hear President Trump articulate his vision and that's what I'm hearing and what I think Eric your father gets what 99% negative news coverage 98% of the coverage of actually negative and after having a reasonable conversation with this pastor he didn't know all of the things that Donald J Trump has done for our country and I think it's because he consumes primarily CBS so I just want to get your thoughts Eric on you know why we have to get the pastors and faith leaders engaged here in this eleventh hour there sir. Oh he's muted. Did we mute you somehow? Did I mute myself? Did you guys mute me? Am I now? You know I don't know how to say this from the bottom of my heart but there there's nothing more that as a family we could do. I mean we fight 20 hours a day every single day you know to try and preserve the principles that that I think everybody certainly everybody listening to us agrees to and I'm I'm I'm looking at some of the comments as we're speaking but there's nothing more that our family can do. I mean we've we've fought we fought true evil I mean true true evil. Everything that they've tried to do. Everything they've tried to do to take him down. Uh I mean they tried in government. They tried to impeach him. They tried to take him down. They tried to destroy his life. They made up dirty dossiers. They raided his home. They went through his wife's closet. They went through my half brother's room. I'm the most opinioned person in probably American history. They tried to destroy me. They tried to destroy Laura. They've I mean they've weaponized every AG, every DA. I mean they've tried everything. They tried to put a bullet in his head. Uh you know and I got a lot of plaque for saying that but you know they literally tried to kill him and and yet we're out there and we're fighting 20 hours a day. There's nothing more we can do as a I mean we we are we are a one you know one small entity of a few people and and you know it is you know the the weight of this fight is is it's heavy. I I mean truthfully it's it's heavy. I hate I I hate to say that and you know and yet there's so much love and there's so much positivity but you know and and and believe me you know God's hand has been on my father. I want to say that to Amanda all your listeners and and there's no question about it right people's lives don't get spared like that people don't get hit nicked in the top of the year you know I mean that was 130 yards away with a modern rifle you know he shouldn't be here right and and somebody was protecting him you know Clay and I have talked about this no less than 200 times, but Hillary out raised us five to one you know we raised my father put in effectively most of of the money in 2016 he put in you know, $200 million bucks I think we raised another you know 00 million bucks or something like that so you know we raised $300 million the first election you know she raised $1. 5 billion and she knew her way around Washington DC as a political dynasty believe me my father's you know God was was guiding my father there's there's just no question about this when when that beautiful American flag folded up like a perfect angel at at Butler you know God was there right somebody was looking down including my mom who died two years today from you know when when that assassin attempt occurred you know Cory's she'll tell a story. Cory you know who obviously you know was was you know a victim of of that senseless act in Butler. You know she said that Cory all day had been saying how Cory was going to you know be brought up on stage. That that Donald Trump was going to pick him and bring him up on stage. And she goes what are you talking about honey? There's like 50, 000 people here. You're not going to be brought up on stage. Oh yeah absolutely I'm going to be brought up on stage and he said 10 times. And she told me that story. She told my father that story. You know but believe me like believe me. You know God God has watching down. God was delivering that message. God you know God has been there. We wouldn't have stood a chance without without faith, without God, without somebody walking down watching down and I I've told the story I think once to you Amanda but you know Mike Huckabee in the 2016 primaries. He was on the debate stage with my father and there's you know 10 other people up there and he comes backstage after one of the debates and I yeah hello Mister Huckey how are you? How are you Governor Huckby? He goes Eric I'm going to drop out of this race. Um he goes the hand of the Lord is truly on your father and and I can feel it up on the stage and he he's going to win this election and you know he's going to do something really great for the country but I I can feel it. I I I can feel that the you know that that God is using him and using him for a really powerful you know mission and a powerful time in in the world. Not just in the United States but but truly in the world. When you see all the senseless debt debts. All these senseless wars. All the all the evil. All the all the true hate. The true evil in the world and I want everybody to know this listening to us right and I rarely get deep like this but but believe me I feel it and and believe me he feels it you know we we see the signs every single day Butler was a sign the angel was a sign you know and there's been there's been a000 others 1000 others when you know the sky was dark and you know we weren't having the best day and we were getting killed on all sorts of fronts and you know the the the weaponization of government was was just seemed to be you know just it's something that you couldn't overtake. Something you couldn't surpass. Something that you could never that that you you couldn't be. You know and then all of a sudden something would happen and and you know the skies would lighten and and it and it felt like every dark day you had there was you know when when it got the dark end there was this this this bright light and somehow that that came through and and that's believe me his hand has been on my father and and maybe in a certain way our entire family and and just know that I feel it but we need to be people to vote. I mean people need to get out and vote. If you believe in this country, if you believe in this nation, if you believe in faith in this this country, they want to extinguish it. You want to expunge it. They don't even try and hide that. And and we better win this otherwise. I I'm not sure if this country's going to have a whole lot left. And I hate to be that dark in saying that but I really don't know if we're going to have a whole lot left. You know there's a scripture verse Eric that says if God is for you who or what can be against you. So when God is for you it doesn't matter what comes against you because his hand of protection is there. And that scripture verse apply to your entire family with what you have been through and I will tell you this, over the next twenty-four hours is Yom Kippur and the Lord does bring verdicts down in his court and I am telling you this because I feel it and Clay knows I don't say anything unless I know it's coming from the lord. Your enemies that have done this. Those verdicts are coming down on Yom Kippur in this next twenty-four hours against them. God is bringing those verdicts down. I am telling you this, this is happening over the next twenty-four hours of Yom Kippur. This is when these verdicts come down your enemies that have done this to you, these verdicts against them are going to come down on scrolls and the lord is going to send them into the United States of America. Yeah. You know, I wanted to add something here. This is pretty heavy so I'm going to just unload it here. Um I know every single show I do, it gets scrutinized and you know, the the the mainstream media to take little clips and so I'll be very measured to what I'm saying but I do believe this. I do believe that Donald J Trump has been anointed and appointed by God for such a time as this. And when I think about what Eric's role is and every time that Eric calls me or I call you there sir on your phone I changed your name to say Eric Trump pray for Eric Trump. And every single time you call me or I call you. I pray for you. Because I know that when your father decided to run for president what that meant is that you had to effectively go into hyperdrive to run the businesses which you were already doing but also now become the subpoena king and also be sort of a a PR advocate and also be sort of a marketing manager for the message and also being one of the leaders of the transition team right now deciding who is going to come into the White House during the next administration in many ways to be the cup bearer for President Donald J Trump and I just encourage everybody watching this show right now if you're watching the show I encourage you not watching this show I'm not sure how you're hearing me but if you're watching this show right now I want you to take five minutes out of your day today five minutes and I want you to pray for God's divine protection for Eric Trump and for Donald J Trump for the entire Trump family. I pray that you would I encourage everyone to pray that God will give Eric Trump and the entire Trump family the right words to say. That God will give the energy to Laura Trump and to Eric and to Don Junior and the whole team as they go down this final stretch and that God would somehow move people that have been lulled into apathy to actually get out and to vote. We need we have again 2and 10 million Americans that identify as being Christians on a practical level I need, we need, God needs 1% of the people to get out there and do something they weren't going to do which is vote and if you open your Bible Bible to Hebrews chapter eleven, Hebrews chapter eleven, you're going to hear these stories about Moses and Abraham and all these wonderful people in the Bible that by faith took action. Your faith without action is dead. If you read the book of James, faith without action is dead. Proverbs ten four says, God punishes the slackard and blesses the hand of the diligent. God punishes the slackard and blesses the hand of the diligent. When you go to a Trump property, they are beautifully maintained. The landscaping is next level. Everything's clean. Every light bulb works. The customer service is next level. Why? Because people have faith and they're doing something. So, I need everybody out there. I want you to write it down right now. Everyone, write down these three things. Do it right now. Write it down. Write it down folks. I'm telling you. Write down Time to Free America. com. Find a way to get to Selma, North Carolina. Amanda, you love to lead our audiences in a for the Trump family. I encourage everyone to be a part of that and again, you can be there. My wife and I have committed almost $2 million dollars we've lost so far hosting this Reawaken America Tour events and I threw out the number not to brag on myself but to let you know, it's not going to be financially convenient to save this nation. We all have to sacrifice in some way to save this nation. Two, if you have a pastor, if you have a pastor in your life, tell them about the faith leader event. Get your pastor there. That's Time to Free America. com forward slash Donald dash J dash Trump and third I want you to write it down put it on your fridge put it on your refrigerator put it on the refrigerator put it on your mirror put it in your car write write the words pray for the Trump's you have to do it you've gotta pray for the Trump family I know that I do and Eric I cannot thank you enough I know you got about five minutes left I just want to tell you I can't thank you enough I know what it's like to be subpoenaed I know what it's like to manage a team of people and to do both and to take time out of your schedule to stand with the faith leaders to unapologetically stand for the constitution and Israel. That is something that I I cannot ever thank you enough for and I just want to I want to ask you that question Eric is what keeps you going and what can we pray for? Like what keeps you going there sir and what can we as a body of hundreds of thousands of people watching this right now? How can we pray for you sir? Well I think local country first of all I mean we really trust me our our lives would be a lot better not being in politics. Um Clay mute out your Mike, buddy. I think you're echoing. There we go. I think that might be better. But but guys obviously we love this country. Uh we we love this country desperately and and it's it's going to hell. I mean just just to be honest is is going down the tube. Second of all is is I think the movement that's been created. I mean when I was in Butler and I'm looking at hundreds of thousands of people there. I mean these are people that are singing God Bless America. These are people who love our nation, love our flag, love everything our country stands for. They're not there for political you know I mean it it's it's a movement of love. It's it's a family and I said that to Butler. I guess this isn't a guess what? You know a hundred Thousands of people don't show up for you know just a regular politician. It's it's truly a movement. It's a movement of love and it's a movement to save this country and and and that's what we're fighting for. I mean we're not we're not fighting because this this fight does anything for us. We're not fighting because we get anything out of it. We're not fighting like so many presidents in the past because you know as soon as they you know win they'll go write ten books and they'll be you know buy a house in Martha's Vineyard. Right? I mean in fact we've gone the opposite way since we've gotten into politics. So you know we're we're probably the only family who hasn't made money off of politics. In fact, you know, lost a ton and that's fine. They certainly don't cry for us but we we want to restore this this republic. I mean, you literally, you see the aftermath of these storms in North Carolina and so many other places. I mean, people just devastated. Their lives gone. Their houses washed down rivers and you've got Kamala Harris coming down saying, yes, we'll give them $750 while you know, you know, giving hundreds of millions of dollars, you know, billions of dollars to illegal immigrants, you know, to to spend the nights in the most expensive hotels in New York City. I mean, we're putting our country last. Um we're not fighting for our nation. Um our our leaders don't have any vigor. They don't have any common sense. Um frankly so often times I really wonder I think they're evil. Um I think they're evil. I think a lot of people would agree with me that that you know this is a a battle of of good versus evil and you have a president that's sleeping on the beach on a Monday. Uh we're not respected around the world. We're losing our currency. We're we're losing everything and and and so you know Clay that's why we fight. I mean you know this this has been so good to our family for for generations it's been so good for our family and and and fortunately we have the resources and we have the voice and we have the fortitude and we have the backbone to be able to stand up and when we get punched you know be able to punch back and be able to fight back and and listen we we do every time somebody comes up to me and says I'm praying for you including the thousand comments that are being written every second you know as as we you know as I as I watch the scroll right in front of me I mean you know we're we're Praying for you. We're praying for our family. I I mean I've heard that tens and tens and tens of thousands of times over the last 10 years and it's it's beautiful and we need prayer. We need faith. Uh we need to be the best country in the world. Uh we need to be above reproach and and and we do. We need to fight. Uh we need to fight. People have to get out and vote. And people have to get out and vote early. And you have to get everybody else out that you know and you have to vote. Um and guys we will save this great republic. Um and and we will save faith and we will save our First Amendment and our freedom of speech. Uh we're going to save all of that and it's going to be really easy to do but you know, again, you know, there's been four or five of us in a family who's carried an entire, you know, you know, an incredible weight and there's a movement that's that's carried an incredible weight against unthinkable opposition and and play in a man that you guys know better than anybody but but unthinkable opposition and you know, believe me, we're going to leave it all out on the field but if people don't show up to vote, if if the evangelical community doesn't show up to vote, I I don't really know if if if we as a family could do anything more. Uh I mean, you know, and and so, I I really do believe this is the difference between having a country and not and I'm not a draconian person. I am like a very common sense person and you've heard that from every politician before, every little silly, you know, mayor's race in every single town. You know, this is the difference between X, Y, and Z and abnormally it's not but I really believe in this case it it is. We're going in a horrible direction. We no longer we're losing our pride. We're losing our patriotism. We're we're losing our communities. Uh we're losing our schools. We're we're we're certainly losing values. We're losing all it. I mean, we're we're losing all of it. It's all under attack and it's under attack from evil. It's under attack by by by people who just don't have any common sense who who don't have any practicality and people I really think that in so many ways are are are just perverse are are totally perverse and we lose that. We lose our country. I mean, you see the degradation of this country in a four-year period of time the last four years. Imagine what it would be under a more radical administration over the next four-year period of time. I'm not sure truthfully recoverable and that why we fight and so my only ask is everybody get first of all pray because I think there's probably nothing stronger than prayer but you have to get out and you have to you have to vote and you have to get everybody to vote and you have to vote early don't just try and get in there the last day it's impossible to move 150 votes, you know on a Tuesday when everybody's trying to get to work it's impossible to do vote early get out and vote and and and to the evangelical community we love you I mean I'm looking a little cross that I keep on my monitor Right here as as as I as I say that but you know you know we we've got we've got one shot at this and and and the alternative is is a is a completely ugly universe. Um not to be long winded. Let me just let me end this with positivity. Um the positive note is is we do feel the hand of God. Amen. And we we we feel it on us and believe me we would have been run over by that you know proverbial truck. Whatever you want to call it. We would have been run over a thousand times you know before. We would have never made it to this point if it hadn't been for for God so I I've gotta believe that he's asked certainly my father but but maybe a little bit of all of us to to try and help you know fulfill some mission and so I will continue to run I will continue to to to do what we do I will continue to fight you know and and you know God willing and and 23 days now can you believe it's like 23 days and 16 hours or something but we'll be successful and and I promise everybody on this we're we're going to make you he's going to make you very proud but we're all going to make you very proud and we're going to be better You already have and you're carrying it so well. I know it's heavy. But praise God you guys are carrying it well. Eric Eric again thank you brother for putting together the faith leaders event. I just I I'm I just I say I'm hammering that so much because in Oklahoma I literally again went to a Republican event last night. I was invited to. I try not to go to those things. And I went to the this person literally gets up. The key speaker says that the only way to save America is to not bring up religion or to talk about God. And I'm thinking to myself that is the opposite of what we need to be doing and your unapologetic stand for God, for religion, and for the the state of Israel. I just appreciate you so much Eric. I know you've got a tight schedule today so thank you for joining us there sir. Thank you all. We appreciate it Eric. Thanks Chris. Praying for you. God bless you all. God bless you as well. Bye bye. Okay. That was our time with Eric Trump and Clay Clark. There's a few other things I want to share with you. So stay on because this is where it's going to get very interesting. Now, Today is Yam Kippur. The holiest day on the Jewish calendar. The day of atonement. When Rosh Hashanah happens and ends the Jews believe a trial begins. A ten-day trial and the verdicts come down on Yom Kippur in God's courts. Now, I'm going to tell you something very interesting that I was writing down last night. I perceive it to be the lord. I was hearing. I was actually audibly hearing too but I was writing down what I was hearing in my spirit as well. Yam Kippur this year is October 11th to twelfth. It ends on the 12 12 12 stands for government and rule. Uh the verdict for the nation in God's court is coming down during Yom Kippur. So not only is the verdict against the enemies that have tried to destroy this family coming down during Yom Kippur. But the verdict for the nation of America and what is going to happen is going to come down in God's court at least during Yom Kippur and then it's going to take the prayer and faith of the saints for that verdict to be carried out in the natural. So, that verdict is going to come down. We as servants of the most high God and soldiers and the armies of the living God are going to be expected to pray this through and carry this out. Of course, God's angelic army will be dispatched as well to carry this out but the verdict for the nation of America in God's court is being weighed and decided right now over the next twenty-four hours is so important For you to pray and petition the Lord because this is where it's being decided and then the people of God are going to have to pray this through and carry this verdict out along with God's army who he's dispatching. I also audibly heard last night at ten oh 5 PM. I had just shut my eyes and I woke back up immediately. Nothing can stop what the Lord your God is doing. I heard that audibly last night right before I fell asleep. Nothing can stop what the Lord your God is doing. So please remember that as well when you pray. If God is for you who or what can be against you. Um if you want where we what we'll do is we will pray right now since since they are asking for prayer. We will pray right now in a moment. Uh and then we'll talk to you about October 27th the night of prayer. This is going to be the most crucial night of prayer we do. This Is going to help carry you know these these verdicts through what the Lord has spoken and said in his courts these prayers are what are going to help carry it through. So let's pray right now for the Trump family. Uh and then we will talk to you about the night of prayer. So Father God in the precious name of your son Jesus Christ. Lord we come before you Father. Lord we praise you for this time Lord. We praise you. You are an ever present help in times of trouble Father God. That you order our steps for the steps of the righteous are indeed ordered of the lord your word says you will never leave us nor forsake us that the name of the lord is a strong tower the righteous run to it and they are safe and lord in the name of Jesus Christ Yeshua on Yom Kippur we bring the Trump family before you and before your court father and lord we praise you for the protection and your hand that has been upon them father God that every plot scheme contract assignment of the enemy has been thwarted and dismantled before the eyes of the wicked and father in the name of Jesus Christ to the power and authority we have been given through Christ Jesus we rebuke every plot scheme contract assignment weaponry blueprint attack strategy sabotage interference violence slander intimidation bullying threat that would be launched against this family that would be attempted against Eric and his family and their lives against the families of his siblings and their Lives that would be attempted against Donald Trump himself right now in the name of Jesus Christ. We rebuke those assignments in Jesus name. Those desperate assignments right now in the eleventh hour to try to dismantle what God is doing. We rebuke them in the name of Jesus Christ and we speak forth right now. Those plans are dismantled and destroyed, nullified, voided, disrupted, blocked, rendered, powerless, and the communication lines disrupted so they can carry out their plans and it bound up and cast back to the dry places, pits, and areas you have designated for such lord to be bound there in the name of Jesus Christ and not return nor of anything sent in its place and father we speak now in the name of Jesus Christ. Not one hair on any of their head will be harmed or the heads of their children that father we ask you dispatch your holy angels of all offices, rankings, and divisions right now to surround them and to make a hedge, a shield, and a wall of protection father God. Lord, especially father God right now going into this very volatile time after Yom Kippur father God where the most desperate and heinous of attempts will be made father God we ask in the name of Jesus Christ right now that you issue judgement and your courts that nullifies that attempt father God that nullifies those plots that blocks those schemes that issues restraining orders against the kingdom of darkness and every foul spirit that would attempt to interfere. Father we ask in the name of Jesus Christ you issue judgement father God to stay in your courts against the territorial spirits that have plotted to try to take down this nation to try to take down this family to try to destroy the church. Father we are asking in your mercy you issue judgement from your courts today and tomorrow father in Jesus name that those restraining orders are issued father God that those that those stop orders are given in the name of Jesus Christ father and lord we pray in the name of Jesus for the nation of America father God father we turn back to you lord father we we we forsake father God the the idolatry that has gone on father lord father we humbly ask you to forgive this nation father God father we are crying out to you as your people in an hour of tumult and an hour of uprising in the time of Daniel father God your people are crying out to you father in Jesus name father we ask you fill us and the Trump family with your wisdom council might power and the reverential fear of the lord let the Trump family lord in Jesus name let Eric let Donald let Don Junior let their children let Lara let their whole family hear your voice know your voice and as strangers they not follow that you will say this is the way in which you should go walk you in it whenever they turn to the right or to the left and they will do so father God we thank you that they are submitting to you father God father we thank you lord that every good work you start you bring it to its completion and you are bringing that good work to its completion with this family father God this day and going into the rest of the year father we thank you that vengeance is yours. Vengeance is mine say it the lord father God and that you will exact the vengeance father God against your enemies and the enemies of those you have anointed and called that this day the verdict will come down that the enemies father that have blasphemed your name that have tried to destroy your nation that have tried to destroy Israel that have tried to take the life of the Trump family destroy their name assassinate their character steal their business that this is the day father God the lord has made and this is the day that you these verdicts will come down in the name of Jesus Christ father God that will be verdicts of judgement against the wicked and the corrupt who have tried to destroy what you have anointed father God what you have purpose to be done in this nation what you have purposed to be done in leadership father God that this is the day that those Father God will be weighed and judged in your courts and those verdicts will come down and the Trump family according to Psalm 901 only with their eyes will they see the reward of the wicked as they go forth now. And Father we speak Psalm ninety-one Father God right now in Jesus name. Father because we dwell and the Trump family dwells in the secret place of the most high. We shall abide under the shadow of the almighty. We will say of the Lord he is our refuge and our fortress. Our God in him will we trust. Surely he shall deliver he shall deliver the Trump family from the snare of the fowler and the perilous pestilence he shall cover us in them with his feathers under his wings we all shall take refuge his truth the lord's truth shall be ours and the Trump family's shield and buckler we will not be afraid of the terror by night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that walks in darkness or the disaster that lays waste at noon day though 1000 may fall at our side and 10, 000 at our right hand though 1thousand may fall at the Trump family side and 10, 000 at their right hand these things will not come near them only with their eyes now will they see the reward of the wicked because they have made the lord who is their refuge even the most high their dwelling place no evil shall befall them nor shall any plague come near their dwelling for the lord thy God shall give his angels charge over them to keep them in all their ways in their hands they shall bear them up lest dash their foot against the stone. The Trump family shall tread upon the lion and the cobra. The young lion and the serpent they shall trample underfoot because they have set their love upon the lord therefore he will deliver them. He will set them on high because they have known his name. They will call upon him. The Trump family, Eric, Lara, Donald, the entire family will call upon the lord and he will answer them. He will be with them in trouble. He will deliver them and honor them and with long life will he satisfy them and show them his salvation. Father, let this be sealed and activated now according to your word and let it be documented in your courts on this day on Yom Kippur that this was spoken father God and we ask you uphold it and honor it as we go forth. You are the God of victory father God. You are the God of more than enough. We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus and we praise you we are coming into those great victories, from the weariness of the battle, from the heaviness of the battle. We praise you that they are coming in and this nation is coming in to a great victory and turning back to you and the strongholds in the high places that the enemy has built. Father, we ask in your courts on Yom Kippur to issue judgement against the high places and the empires the enemy has built in this nation father God that they will now come down in a Accordance with your ruling father God. In accordance with your law, we are asking for your ruling on this as your people in your courts this day father God. We praise you. You are a merciful God. Slow to anger, abounding in loving kindness and we praise you father God lord that you protect your people and that the cup of iniquity has become full for many including those high in office and are being poured out in this time. And those verdicts will come down over the next twenty-four hours father we praise you for that we give you all the glory father God we praise you that you are wonderful counselor mighty God everlasting father prince of peace and that the government shall rest upon your shoulders father God we thank you this day father we pray lord that you cover clay that you fill him father with your wisdom and council and my power and the reverential fear of the lord father give him the and the endurance he needs to organize these events. Father, we ask your holy angels are dispatched of all offices rankings and divisions to protect him to surround him and his family father God as they go forth father that not one hair on his head is harmed father God. Thank you father God. He has been yoked by you. He is being led by you father. Let him hear your voice, know your voice, and the strangers he will not follow lord. As he goes forth mightily in you growing in you father God. We praise you for this day. We praise you for this time. In the name of Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach, we pray. Amen. Amen. And amen. Amen. Amen. Oh, I felt that. Praise the lord. Amen. Praise almighty God. I'm glad all of you were on to do this with us because the word of God says, if one could put 1 thousand to flight, two can put 10, 000 to flight. Imagine how much tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands believers can do coming in To agreement. Too bad if the wicked don't like it. Too bad. We're not there to please them. We're there to please an audience of one and his name is Almighty God. Adonai, El Shaddai, Roach Elohim. We are there to please him and serve him. So praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Lord. I felt that. I really did. I felt that. So what I think we're going to do now that we're approaching the hour mark is we're just we're just going to end it today. We're not going to do anything. We are just going to end it today. Um we're not going to run anything and happy Yam Kippur to our Jewish brothers and sisters right now. They're beginning a twenty-four hour fast of no food and no water actually on Yom Kippur. They do this every single year and they go to temple and they hear the readings of the Torah because they know this verdict is coming down. So, all glory be to God. We thank Clay. We thank Eric for joining us. They are busy guys and we just thank we are very grateful that they came on and that the lord reorchestrated this for to come on on Yom Kippur because I truly believe it's a sign that Eric Trump came on Arc of Grace on Yom Kippur because of of of the gravity of the day of atonement this year so we praise the lord for that we thank you everyone for joining us please share this broadcast if you can it is so important we're asking you to share it and that you can you can share it on YouTube on Rumble on Facebook you can share it on X and we You can share it as well. Um let me think of of the other platforms we have on Instagram. You can also share the advertisement for this. Now, lastly, Night of Prayer. Night of Prayer for the nation and the Trump family. Eric Trump has asked us to do another night of prayer. It is October 27th starting at 5 PM Eastern Standard Time. We have some incredible people confirming to join us on this night of prayer. Please pray for us going in this. This is heavy. I feel it. I feel the gravity of it. This is right before the election. Like I said, the verdicts are coming down on Yom Kippur and then it's up to the saints to pray them through and to speak them forth and to and and to do what God has commissioned us to do. So, mark your calendars, night of prayer for the nation and the Trump family. Eric and Lara Trump will be joining us as well. We we are getting the lineup together. We have incredible people joining us that are confirming and one We have everybody confirmed. We are going to share with you who's coming on but this is going to be incredible power packed and I believe we're going to be taking communion live. So, when it comes up my time to speak, we are going to be taking communion live and speaking the word of the lord. So, once again, Night of Prayer for the Nation and the Trump family right before the election. October 27th, 5 PM Eastern Standard Time. Please mark it down and please share this broadcast so people hear. We want as many people as possible to come into agreement on this night of prayer. So thank you everyone for joining us. We love you. God bless you. Armor up according to Ephesians chapter six. Psalm ninety-one. I encourage you to say it every single day. We just said it with you. Uh I say it over me and Chris and the ark every single day. We also have other Psalms there for you. Psalm fifty-one created me a clean heart of God. I say that almost every time before broadcast. I take communion and I speak that. You know why? Because I gotta get my posture and myself in a submitted position before the Lord before I go and do his business and that's how I feel about that. That's how the Lord has trained me. Also Ephesians one and three from the Believers Authority by Pastor Kenneth Hagan. I recite scriptures in the first few pages of the of of the book every single day over myself and Chris and the lord's prayer, Matthew six. The order of that prayer is so important. Implement that into your prayer life. Watch what happens with your prayer life if you implement That if Jesus taught his disciples to pray that way, that is the cream of the crop guys. That is the example. That is what you need to take and do. So, we thank you everyone for joining us today. God bless you. We love you and we will see you back on next week.

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