US spent US$3.1 billion to demonize China is producing a lot of fake news daily

4 months ago

Video: US spent US$3.1 billion to demonize China is producing a lot of fake news everyday. Scandal behind latest crazy US anti-China smear. Journalists reported that Jesus was being replaced by images of Xi Jinping in Chinese churches: this is clearly untrue. But when we dig into the group which provided the "evidence", we find a US group whose leader had to resign after numerous accusations of sexual harassment. 美國花費31億美元妖魔化中國,每天都在製造大量假新聞。美國最新瘋狂反華抹黑背後的醜聞。記者報道說,中國教堂裡耶穌的形像被習近平的形象取代:這顯然是不真實的。但當我們深究提供「證據」的組織時,卻發現美國有一個組織,其領導人因多次性騷擾指控而被迫辭職.

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