Wednesday Evening Bible Study Jeremiah 26 - 28 10-16-2024

5 months ago

Jeremiah again gives God's Word to the people in Jeremiah chapter 26. He is instructed to give it in the court of the LORD's house. The message speaks of judgment on those who do not obey God's Word and turn from their evil ways.
The priests and the prophets wanted to kill Jeremiah for what he had been saying. The princes and the people said that he was not deserving of death.
In chapter 27, Jeremiah again gives an example and object lesson by making a wooden yoke to put on his neck and telling the people that those who yielded under the yoke of the King of Babylon would live, but those who did not would die by the sword, famine, and pestilence. The judgment included the people of Edom, Moab, Ammon, Tyre and Sidon in addition to Judah.
In chapter 28, the prophet Hannah speaks against Jeremiah and God's Word and falsely says the captives and the holy vessels will return to Judah within two years. Jeremiah received word from God that Hananiah would die within the year for being a false prophet, and he died in the seventh month of that year.
We again see similarities with our day and situation as Jeremiah did in his day. It seems that no one wants to listen to God's Word and turn back to Him, and we feel like judgment is coming.

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