Q&A with Steve Gregg from The Narrow Path Radio Show

4 months ago

In this conversation, Adam Jones interviews Bible teacher and radio host Steve Gregg, who shares insights on various theological topics, including the importance of understanding Proverbs 18:13, the true nature of the Kingdom of God, the significance of picking up one's cross, and the differences between the Old and New Covenants. Steve emphasizes the need for open-mindedness in theological discussions, the role of the church in evangelism, and the importance of discipleship over mere conversion. In this conversation, Steve Gregg and Adam Jones explore the differences between the Old and New Covenants, the role of Israel in God's plan, and the interpretation of biblical prophecy in relation to current events. They discuss the significance of unity in the church and the challenges posed by denominational divisions. Gregg emphasizes the importance of love and following Jesus over strict adherence to doctrine, advocating for a more inclusive understanding of salvation.


Christians often divide themselves based on denominational boundaries.
Open-mindedness is crucial in understanding differing theological views.
The Kingdom of God is not just a future destination but a present reality.
Picking up your cross means surrendering personal agendas for God's will.
The early church focused on evangelism outside of church gatherings.
The Old Covenant was a marriage contract with Israel, while the New Covenant is with the faithful remnant of Jews and Gentiles. We are one in Christ.
Love is the central command of the New Covenant, replacing the extensive laws of the Old Covenant.
Discipleship is about following Christ's teachings and living out His mission.
The church should be a place for edification, not just evangelism.
Understanding the context of biblical teachings is essential for effective ministry. The New Covenant emphasizes spiritual over ritualistic practices.
Circumcision of the heart is a key requirement in the New Covenant.
Christ introduced a better covenant with better promises.
Material blessings are not the focus of the New Covenant.
Disunity in the church is a major obstacle to its mission.
Love and unity are essential for the church's witness to the world.
The interpretation of prophecy should be rooted in scripture, not current events.
The church's foundation is built on the apostles, not just Peter.
Salvation is based on following Jesus, not on doctrinal correctness.
Unity in the church can be achieved through love and respect for differing views.

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