American Michigan State Gov. Whitmer’s Mockery of the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist

2 hours ago

👹 A video posted on Instagram Thursday featured Gov. Gretchen Whitmer placing a Dorito chip on the extended tongue of a kneeling woman, in a gesture readily recognizable as the Catholic practice of Holy Communion.

After giving Canadian feminist Liz Plank (@feministabulous) “communion,” Whitmer — wearing a Harris-Walz hat — then stares expressionless into the camera.

The Michigan Catholic Bishops’ Conference has protested Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s mockery of the sacrament of the Eucharist, calling the blasphemous stunt “offensive.”

The skit specifically imitates “the posture and gestures of Catholics receiving the Holy Eucharist, in which we believe that Jesus Christ is truly present,” said Paul A. Long, president of the Michigan Catholic Conference.

“It is not just distasteful or ‘strange;’ it is an all-too-familiar example of an elected official mocking religious persons and their practices,” Long said on behalf of the bishops, adding that “whether or not insulting Catholics and the Eucharist was the intent, it has had an offensive impact.”

“People of this state and across the country have grown tired of and continue to express their alarm at the bar of civility and respect toward people of faith lowering by the day,” he continued.

“Michigan is a religiously diverse state and includes thriving communities of Christian, Jewish, and Muslim believers,” he concluded. “The time is now for those in public office, their handlers, and strategists to return a level of respect, civility, and appreciation for those who have found peace and fulfillment in life by worshiping God and serving their neighbor.”

On Friday, Catholic League President Bill Donohue excoriated Whitmer, insisting that she had “insulted Catholics nationwide when she intentionally ridiculed the Eucharist in a video.”

“There is no way to understand this stunt other than as an expression of vintage anti-Catholic bigotry,” Donohue wrote.

The Whitmer team is lying when they say she is merely “mimicking a popular trend on social media where people are shown feeding each other,” he stated, and it is “easy to disprove.”

❖ The War to Destroy the Eucharist | The Holy Sacrament of The Eucharist

We walk among saints and monsters. Such are the days with which we are blessed. It is the ultimate naïveté or denial to live in our era and to be oblivious of the fact that we are walking through a battlefield. Such oblivion pleases the powers of darkness a great deal. When the unarmed wander onto the battlefield, they need not be resisted; they will fall in due time.

On a battlefield, everything is a weapon: information, water, shelter, clothing, medicine, and last but certainly not least, food. Starving soldiers do not win wars. The supply line, or the lack thereof, will determine the outcome of a battle just as surely as the quality of the munitions or the training of the troops.

The Eucharist, when given to the dying, has been called by the Latin term viaticum, that is, food for the journey. In a sense, we are all dying from the moment of conception—on that journey to eternity we expend every breath in battle. To miss that fact is to miss life and to die without having lived—to perish for not having taken up life.

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