Radiant Energy Device, Thomas Henry Moray - Free Energy

4 months ago

From time to time in the world men of vision receive little or no recognition for their work, passing on to leave behind a legacy for others to follow.
Such men as Slava (a Spanish physicist), who demonstrated radio 150 years before Marconi; Gustav Le Bon, who predicted the Atomic Bomb in 1891, and Nikola Tesla, (see link on main page) the father of our modern system of electricity; found themselves isolated from the rest of the world because they would not accept the dictates of big business and the outside pressure groups.

Such was Thomas Henry Moray (or T. Henry Moray as he liked to be referred to as)
Thomas Henry Moray (August, 1892 - May, 1974) was an inventor from Salt Lake City, Utah. Moray graduated from The Latter Day Saint's Business College. Moray studied electrical engineering through an international correspondence school course. He received a electrical engineering degree from the University of Uppsala. At the turn of the century, Moray developed a reported inexhaustible environmental energy source (by means of radiant energy).

In the 1920s, Thomas Henry Moray demonstrated a "radiant energy device" to many people who were unable to find a hidden power source. Moray called his device a solid state detector or the Moray Valve consisting of a large antenna connected to a complex series of high voltage capacitors, transformers, and semiconductors. By stimulating the existing oscillations of radiant energy from space the device ran for several days producing 50 kilowatts of power. The demonstrations attracted newspapers and scientists from Bell Laboratories and from the Department of Agriculture but none could attest to how the device actually operated nor could evidence of fraud be found. The device was eventually destroyed by his assistant, whom apparently was angered that Moray would not sell his device to corporate interests. Moray was a follower of Nikola Tesla - As a youth he greatly admired Tesla - and in particular was very interested in Teslas' obsession with the earth having a limitless supply of energy available to it from the universe. Like Tesla - Moray wanted to find out how to tap this energy. Like a lot of people he became amazed at the "Crystal Radio" where a crystal can be tapped with a fine wire to make a radio work - without any battery or power. He figured that if this was possible it should be possible to find a crystal (or "magnetic rock" ) that could be tapped for a power source. He became very interested in the properties of certain rocks and crystal structures and the powders from them - this is what he made his so called Moray Valves out of - they were like radio valves BUT WERE NOT USING A HEATED COIL like radio valves - they were all cold with no external power to feed them. They were a mixture of semi-conducting materials and intricate one-way conducting materials. The Moray Valve was therefore a solid state device - unlike a radio valve that heated a plate to produce energy.

These Valves are ONE reason why Patents were continually refused - as he was told " there is no such thing as free energy" https://phils.au/thomas-henry-moray/

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