Ayahuasca Intelligence and the Universal Mind pt 2: Uncovering the Truth

3 months ago

Is ayahuasca truly an intelligent "plant spirit"? Is it a sort of chemical portal that grants us access to wider band of the spectrum of consciousness? The third option, the one that most people that haven't tried ayahuasca would choose, that it simply connects us, at most, to deeper parts of our own mind...is not on the table for me. Too many times have I received information not known to myself (or anyone else), that proved true. The insight's provided by this medicine require an objectvity, incredible psychoanalytical skills, and perspective that is hard to imagine coming from the "self." And then there are the sixth sense type phenomena that have been documented for hundreds of years, from explorers, anthropologists, and even clinical studies. The verdict is clear....something is up with ayahuasca. It is perhaps our only tool capable of proving (at the least) that some parapsychological phenomena are real, in a repeatable, testable, manner.

Ayahuasca may be the most important discovery in human history...but what is the truth behind it's apparent intelligence.?

In this Lightstream, which is happening in conjuction with the Premier of our latest video on Sananga, we will take an in depth look at al of the possibile explanations of the various expressions of ayahuasca intelligence. We will consider these things from the lenses of science and tradition...and hopefully find that they meet on solid ground.

To join a retreat in November/December in the Sacred Valley, or Manu, Peru in May, email mountaingnosis@gmail.com

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