二氧化碳 溫室氣體 氣候變化騙局 CO2 GHG Climate Change Hoax

4 months ago


「說全球大氣溫度上升 1.5° 攝氏度將帶來災難,真是愚蠢可笑,事實上,它將使大片以前太冷的 #農田 變得生機勃勃。」—— #綠色和平 聯合創始人 #帕特里克摩爾 博士 。

「在 #始新世極熱事件 中,溫度至少比現在高出 5 到 7 攝氏度,甚至可能更高,而與此同時, #二氧化碳 的排放卻朝著完全相反的方向發展……兩者之間沒有明確的關係。」

"It is so stupidly ridiculous to say that a 1.5° Celsius increase in global atmospheric temperature is going to be a disaster. As a matter of fact, it will open up vast areas of #Farmland that were too cold before." – #GreenPeace co-founder, Dr. #PatrickMoore .

"In the #EoceneThermalMaximum , the temperature was at least five to seven degrees Celsius warmer than it is now, maybe even more. And at the same time #CO2 was going in the exact opposite direction... There is no clear relationship."

Full interview

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20240627 丹麥 首次向 農民 徵收每頭 牛 100 歐元的農業 碳稅 經過數月的緊張談判,聯合政府同意對牲畜排放徵收年度稅 Denmark to charge Farmers €100 a Cow in first Carbon Tax on agriculture Coalition government agrees annual levy on emissions from livestock after months of fraught negotiations



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