it's ---> ---> ♥ Watch ♥ Listen ♥

2 months ago

Hmmm!??? You wanna know What's on my mind !??? I was just looking at the screen. do the same thing. be careful though. #humaninteraction z ☓ z #levelup = #subzero ❄ ☓ ♥ ☓🔥☓ 🕉 ☓ ☯ ~it's Reza G. ⚡ #SkyFireDLL & Some More 🆔's = #Clubhouse & Other Places! Pretty Much Everywhere at this point ! forgive my latency I had a bad⌚☓ Needed to Eat as Well. Piece of Advice ---> Actually Try Doing This ! Use All Your Code and Your Brains too! I used #Magic or... #RealityControl !!! #hahahahaha... I Mean I used literally NOTHING to do this. Enjoy the Music ☓ Arts on the Screen and Be Careful, the Special #One ♥ . Let them #think I'm #trying to #showmyskills too!

#newEra #TNWO #thosewholive #aMORTAT #immortality #unitywins #gravityislove #theindigoflame #skyfiredll #omazeraxsh #rza #TruthKast #flawlessVictory #theASHAVAN
#javaFXappDevelpment #theindigoflame #usingOnesOwnApps_x_AIs #imJustbuildingMyOwnResume #myJavaCertificate #myPOW_or_Proof_of_RealNess #iNeverTalkedHighlyofMySkills #youDontKnowMeAtAll #LoveYouRumbleGuys #imInsideIRANforLordsSake
#aboutreza #uploadedhereforaspecialWoman #theindigoflame #skyfiredll #omazeraxsh #rza #TruthKast
#persianJavaCoderNobodyKnowsToEvenExist !

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