''The Crossroads Chronicles' Ep 8 (feat. 'Limb Reaper' Freddie Blackstone)

1 month ago

#prowrestling #catchwrestling #brazilianjiujitsu

0:00 Intro
0:27 How long have you been wrestling for?
0:52 What did you start first? MMA? Catch Wrestling or BJJ?
1:38 Training tips for anyone on the go
4:20 Why are you the 'Limb Reaper'?
4:49 Best way to store food on the go
6:30 Impact parents have had on Freddie's pro wrestling career
7:41 Style of wrestling Freddie relates to
8:31 Morning Routine
10:11 Day workouts or evening workouts?
11:20: Friends reaction to Freddie wrestling
13:57: Kayfabe
15:34: Autism
17:08: Freddie grades me?????
17:53: Do you watch back any of your matches?
19:08: What do you look for when tape studying?
20:27: Where you can find Freddie wrestling in the future

What's up beautiful people and welcome to 'The Crossroads Chronicles!' featuring none other than the 'Limb Reaper' Freddie Blackstone!

Song used:

Rome - One lions roar

His links:

IG: freddie.blackstone.pw

My Links:


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