10/13/24 we pray with the prophetic vision.❤️

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A Vision of The Washington Monument
October 13, 2024 Veronika West
I truly stand amazed at the Esther Gathering taking place today with The Washington Monument in the background and The White House in the distance.
In 2021, The LORD gave me a powerful vision of The Washington Monument and this is what I saw, — see pictures below, of Prophetic Vision recorded in my Prayer Journal!
A Vision of The Washington Monument
I saw the tip of God’s Finger touch The Washington Monument, and it looked as if He had pricked His Finger.
I saw just one drop of Blood fall — and I watched as The Blood began to run down The Monument and into the ground.
As the drop of Blood touched the soil of The Nation, I felt the land begin to shake violently and I suddenly I saw The Monument crack in two.
I watched as one side of The Monument went to the right and the other went to the left — and as I looked at the two sides of the cracked Monument, I saw a “v” shape appear before me and I heard these Words, ”Vindication and Victory!”
As I heard those Words, I looked again at the “v” shape and suddenly it was as if I was looking down the shaft of a Silver Arrow, and I could see the sharp tip of the Arrow placed between at the middle of the “v” shape — which now looked like the Crosshairs of a bow.
Then, as I looked through the Crosshairs of the bow, I saw The White House and I heard these Words, ”For My Eye is upon this Nation and the Crosshairs of My Bow and the silver tip of My Arrow are now pointed at The White House — for My Eye is upon The White House in this hour, for Victory and Triumph!
I say, just one drop of My Blood has the power to break and shatter the chains of witchcraft and demonic oppression over a Nation — just one drop of My Blood has the power to sift and separate the goats from the sheep — just one drop of My Blood!
Yes! Just one drop of My Blood has the power to purge and purify the land!
Again I say — just one drop of My Blood has the Reformation Power and Authority to bring a Nation to birth in one day!”

Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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