SURAH AR-RAHMAN TARJUMA K SATH | سورہ الرحمن اردو ترجمہ اور دلچسپ مناظر کے ساتھ |@islamichistory813

4 months ago

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Asslamoalaikum, We Are Presenting Complete Surah Ar-Rahman With Urdu Translation And Interesting Visual Scenes.

This Surah was revealed during the early stage of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) residence at Makkah. It is Allah Who created man, taught him the Qur'an and taught him how to convey his feelings and thoughts.

Ar-Rahman is the 55th Chapter of the Qur'an, with 78 verses. The title of the surah, Ar-Rahman, appears in verse 1 and means "The Most Beneficent". The divine appellation "ar-Rahman" also appears in the opening formula which precedes every surah except Sura 9.
No. of letters: 1585
No. of Rukus: 3
No. of verses: 78
No. of words: 352
Other names: Most Gracious
Position: Juz? 27

The benefits of Surah Rahman extend beyond spiritual reflection, offering deep emotional healing and mental peace. Whether through online Quran reading or attending online Quran classes, many find solace in its verses. Reciting Surah Rahman 7 times or even 3 times daily is said to bring blessings and calm.

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