Can Man Control the Weather? Uncovering the Truth Behind Weather Modification (Ep. #0063)

4 months ago

In this episode, we dive deep into one of the most controversial rabbit holes: weather control. Watch the government itself, with real officials discussing weather modification programs over the past 60 years. It’s not just a conspiracy theory anymore; there is real evidence of our weather manipulation capabilities today.

I discuss how this fits into our bizarre modern reality, where: A) The government and mainstream media lie about almost everything, and
B) Many "conspiracy theories" have turned out to be true.
Once upon a time, I would have called this idea crazy, but now I’m open to new possibilities. In this series, I’ll continue to share the most credible sources and information, and together, we’ll keep asking the right questions. Let’s stay focused, keep searching for answers, and find that one truth together.

I'm excited to share that I've also launched a podcast “The Gift with Laurence N. Kaldor,” where I discuss the themes explored in “The Gift” and dive deeper into today's pressing issues. While many episodes are available on YouTube, some content can't be posted here due to restrictive policies. For a complete playlist, including exclusive episodes, visit my Rumble channel. Links to my podcast and the first 10 episodes are provided below.

“The Gift with Laurence N. Kaldor” Rumble Channel:
***Note*** For unrestricted content and full access to all episodes, including those that can't be shared on YouTube, please follow me on Rumble.

Remember: everyone wakes up at their own pace. Let’s educate and empower together.
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God Bless America. God Bless this podcast. And God Bless you!

“The Gift: The story is the plane crash. The Message is hope!”
• Amazon: (Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle)
• Chapter 1 (Audio) is online FREE:
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