Messiah said if we loved Him we would obey Him.

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If we are obedient, He and Yahweh will make their homes with us. Even though He was going to leave, Messiah promised we will be in Him, His Father in us, and we in each other, if we trust His Torah.

Over recent weeks we discussed Messiah’s promise not to abandon us. He also promised that if we choose to love and and obey Him the Father Himself will demonstrate His love and manifest Himself in us.

Over the course of the last 7 weeks we have been learning about all the promises in John 14 and the revelation knowledge that is buried deep beneath its surface text that is being poured out on us.

Last week was no different. Messiah told His disciples, and us by extension, that He would soon no longer be on the earth physically and that through His resurrection He would give them eternal life.

That ultimate intimacy of being in Yahweh’s Son occurs when Messiah comes for His ingathering ready bride, which is followed by our wedding celebration with Him in Heaven when we become His eternal bride.

From these we segue into John 14:22-27. Here, we need to understand the terms that Yeshua the Messiah, our husband, laid out in this passage. It is how we, His bride, are to obey His terms for our eternal marriage with Him.

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