Dennis Quaid Made A Perfect Speech Supporting Trump At Coachella Rally - 'Time To Pick A Side'

3 months ago

Posted • October 12, 2024: Dennis Quaid, renowned actor and star of the recent film "Reagan," said everything we could have wanted him to at the Trump rally in Coachella, California, on Saturday. His speech was a breath of fresh air coming from Hollywood, and he articulated what many Americans see clearly. He didn't waste time getting straight to the point of why this election matters, and he charged Americans to get off the sidelines and be decisive about the future they want for our country. In times like these, it's not only refreshing to hear a more diverse political representation coming from Hollywood, but also because we can see a common thread of humanity and shared experience, even by people who seem to have completely different lives than the average American. Quaid compared inflation rates, energy independence, peace in the Middle East, Iran, Afghanistan, and security on the border-- each point as compelling as the next, and the comparison between Trump and Biden's administrations was damning.

He ended with a heartwarming tale of how he sponsored his housekeeper, Josie, in order to obtain her residency and how she can't wait until the day that she is a citizen and can vote for Trump. His story highlights a topic not often discussed on immigration, and it's something I have encountered as well. Many of the immigrants that come here, even illegals, support Trump because they know that his policies keep this nation great, and they didn't risk everything to come here just to see it turn into the places that they left. Quaid's speech covered many topics quickly, and each one could have been its own headliner. Talk like this reminds us just how effective Trump's policies were in so many different areas at once-- and that's how it should be. America needs a president who can run this country efficiently and cause it to prosper in every way. As Quaid so effectively communicated, that president is Trump, and Americans need to make the decision. (…)

• More at: RedState - Dennis Quaid Made a Perfect Speech Supporting Trump at Coachella Rally- 'Time to Pick a Side'

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