Live Chat with Paul; -210- The Water Bear Truth + UFO vids - Thirdphase Noise +Immaculate Deception

Streamed on:

#UAP #UAPS #alien #encounters

Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Another Anon UAP whistleblower from Another
money driven reporter with 0 evidence and claims of another secret gov
program Called Immaculate Constellation + Thirdphase allege BS UFO
videos broken down + Amazing Water Bear how it connects to life in universe
[00:02:00] (1c) dot dot dot - Paul checks the streams and bits
[00:03:00] (1d) Pauls Week news - Paul so tired cos of immune system
he falls asleep every 3-4 hours awake and oped-eye still foggy
YT channel is dying only traffic is from my own posts on reddit
Knapp new Documentary is again nothing new and all debunked UFO vids!
[00:08:00] (1e) Donating via google I dont get paid til reaches 100USD
which can take 6 to 12 months for a payout if not many using them
unlike using paypal and tips on my website
[00:17:45] (2) Main Topic Begins - The Truth on Water Bears and other Science
connection to them including Space Aliens!
[00:24:00] (2b) Super Powers and DNA modding for humans
[00:26:00] (2c) Are Greys humans of the future?
[00:28:00] (2d) The problem of freezing
[00:36:00] (2e) Panspermia
[00:41:00] (2f) Limitations of this DNA super powers
to how long frozen, dehydrated and radiation burst time
[00:42:42] (2g) This idea was in the 3 bodies
[00:49:00] (2h) Comparing to dust mites
[00:51:00] (2i) Brain size and storing knowledge
[00:54:00] (2j) Sexes of these and reproduction
[00:57:00] (2k) Temp limits of these critters!
[01:01:00] (2l) Life in Space?
[01:05:00] (2m) Russian Super Troops?
[01:07:00] (2n) Resume clip of video and compare
to what we found and see the key missing bits! Medical research!
[01:24:00] (2o) Re-cap of Radiation and what can stop it.
So a line of chemical absorb gamma in cells but can
survive many hits.. so theres a dose and time limit!
[01:38:00] (3) Elon Musk says 0 UFOs and Aliens they
are all ours?
[01:44:00] (4) Initial Immaculate Constellation Post and Whistleblowers
read out!
[02:08:00] (4b) Paul fact-checks the search terms on google
for "Immaculate Constellation" and founds out some interesting
stuff in the process, including 2 hot spot searches in 2005 and 2020
when videos were leaked from gov aka Nimitz so does this hint
that someone knew of the SAP name?
[02:16:00] (4c) First Paul finds the testing Tools and does
a check using his own Name and Channel ID before using
USAP alleged name
[02:26:00] (4d) KEY POINT! Paul figures out about vertical scale means
and how to use quotes on Immaculate Constellation to get
the correct stats being 20 for 2005 and a couple in 2020
[03:08:00] (5) Cloud seeding is real and climate always changing
[03:22:26] (6) thirdphaseofmoon weeks ufo videos analyzed and solved
by Paul

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

Thanks for watching, Liking, and commenting on video it really helps..

All Links
our website is listed there

ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.

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