The Prophecy of the Stranger - Deuteronomy 29:22

4 months ago

Deuteronomy 29:22 speaks of the coming of a "stranger" who will come from a far away land and bear witness of the desolation of the land of Israel – confirming the curses that have come to pass because of Israel’s covenant disobedience. Who was this "stranger"? Was it an actual individual who can be identified historically? If so, what did this stranger have to say about the land of Israel, and does it confirm the words written by Moses 3,000 years ago?

#bible #biblestudy #Bibleprophecy #Israel #bibletruth #dispensationalism #thestranger #1948 #1967 #thestranger'sreport #prophecyofthestranger #regatheringofisrael #bookofdeuteronomy #holyland #Moses

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