What is a Zine?

5 months ago

As new writers and self-taught artists, the world of publishing feels stacked against us. Getting our work in the form of a full length book or featured in a mainstream magazine is often out of reach to most people, including myself and I am guessing for you as well. That is why I set out to make this video about how I publish my writing in the most Do It Yourself of ways.

When I first began making zines I used collaged images and newspaper clippings which I cut & pasted them together, later copying the pages one by one at the public library. Since then I have improved my process though kept the collage elements. Now all the images and words are my own and I’ve even acquired a printer!

The benefits of zines for artists or content creators is that a zine can like a mini, portable collection of your work. Such a project is great for getting your art or writing out into the world in a physical way. Unlike website and blog pages a zine doesn’t need any kind of technology to be viewed. Personally, I use zines for both of these reason; to collect together bits of writing & art as well as to keep my pen pals, friends, family in the loop of what I have been creating.

Beyond showing a bit of my process of creating zines, I also shared a few of my favorite zines that have inspired me lately. Many of them are available online to buy but, there is also a very active community of zine makers all over the world that are happy to trade zines with other creators.

I hope this inspires you are to create a zine of your own if you haven't already!

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