Exodus - Part 1 - Introduction

4 months ago

As we start our series on Exodus, let’s quickly recap the closing chapter of Genesis, which sets the stage for the events in Exodus. Joseph was sold by his brothers and taken to Egypt as a slave. He served in Potiphar’s house and wound up in prison. He gained the attention of Pharaoh after he interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh’s servants who were also in jail. Pharaoh had a disturbing dream that Joseph interpreted, which predicted a seven-year famine. Pharaoh put Joseph in charge of preparing Egypt for this famine. The famine was so severe, that Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt to buy food. When Joseph finally revealed himself to them, they were terrified and years later after their father died, they begged Joseph to have mercy on them and not seek revenge. Joseph explained that God had a purpose in what they did to him and that was to save their lives, so they did not need to be afraid.

After Israel moved to Egypt, over 400 years would pass before they left to go to the Promised Land. During that time, many Pharaohs ruled. Then one rose that didn’t remember Joseph or what he had done for Egypt. He saw the Israelites as a threat and enslaved them. The identity of that Pharaoh is debated, but he was likely Ramesses II. His reign was known for its architecture and military prowess. It would make sense that he would see the Israelites as a threat, but recognize how he could use them to build architectural marvels. This context sets up the rest of the events in Exodus, where Moses will be called by God to lead His people out of bondage. The events in Exodus show God never abandons his people and always provides someone to deliver them. That’s a promise that should comfort us. No matter what kind of craziness is going on in the world around us, we can rest assured that the power of God is always there. In His timing, we can trust Him to sort it all out.

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