Hunt: Showdown clip dump

4 months ago

I have like 100+ gigs of hunt showdown clips. While some of them are alright, most of them aren't that *chef's kiss* quality that's worth spending hours and hours editing for. so i decided to take the backlog of sub-par clips and turn them into random montage dumps. so. that's what this is. no fancy editing or - subtitles - just a few random clips of possibly slightly entertaining hunt experiences. I'll sift through the rest of them and make another legit, edited compilation eventually. I'm working on another among us one first (which i started 3 months ago, finished the vid in 2 days, started subtitling, and haven't touched since), and then probably another hunt vid.

As a side note, some of these date back to almost a year ago. so there's gonna be some shit mic quality, shit fps, and shit plays in some of these. so. ye be warned, i guess. I haven't even bothered rewatching this before uploading so. quality? What's that?

also yes the shushing even annoys me i stopped doing it but deal with it in this vid cuz its followed by some good plays. mostly.

Apr 15, 2021

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