i've tried to do life the conventional way n i just can't

4 months ago

you know what time it is
do you know that time ain't real
do yawl see this shit
it's a bmw too, that's pretty rad
they smiled at me, that was so sweet
we sing about real shit
today is one of those days when i wanna drive fast
people can't relate to fake but then again they can
there he goes
all these pop stars are bought n paid for
all these triangular hand symbols...
my dad still knows about masonry
i still feel sorry for all those cyber trucks
i pity some inanimate objects n feel for their existence
ugly ass cars n so many of them!
i hate being around semi trucks
make it a thing to just sing cos it makes me feel better
i know that it ain't very good but that doesn't matter
i feel clever mainly becuz many people wanna do this but don't cos they're concerned about society's approval
i used to be you back in the day
how is my channel not the best thing, it's totally random
why is this mf in the fast lane

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