Krumbling Kamala -- The Southern Drawl Podcast EP. 20

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"Krumbling Kamala"
In this powerful episode of The Southern Drawl Podcast, we're amplifying the voices of everyday Americans as they speak out on Kamala Harris' presidential campaign, taking a look at the hypocrisy and lies of the mainstream media, and questioning the double-standards that govern the labeling of misinformation. We're listening to the people who are standing up and waking up:

Harris' declining poll numbers have shifted their tactics
Listen to media coverage and its accuracy of lack there-of
Share people's reactions to recent high-profile interviews
Explore how voters feel the administration's policies are affecting their lives
Spotlight the labeling of American voices as misinformation and propaganda

We're not telling you what to think - we're letting you hear what Kamala thinks, says and stands for and what your fellow Americans are saying about it. From social media to main stream media, we're bringing you the unfiltered truth to consider.
Join us as we give a platform to those who feel unheard and explore why so many are questioning what they're being told by officials and mainstream sources.
The Southern Drawl Podcast - Amplifying Truth in a world of LIES.

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