Deceiving Kamala (see description)

3 months ago

The deep-state want to take away your guns, but they will keep hold of theirs of course. The indigenous Indian tribes know what happened when they put down their guns mean years ago. The deep-state will use MK Ultra and their "Therapists" to brainwashed the lone kids in schools, colleges, and universities to massacre innocent people...problem>reaction> the deep-state their justification to scrap the 2nd Amendment. This will never happen, as ALL Presidential Oaths pledge to PROTECT the Constitution. Sadly many or most Liberals are not smart enough to work out that they have been brainwashed themselves, and played; "expendable containers" or "useless eaters" as the deep-state call them. Kamala Harris is on video calling Liberals "stupid"; I think I have that video here on my channel.

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