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The second epistle of John book

4 months ago

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The second epistle of John book John was the beloved apostle of Jesus John revealed the most the loving, kind, humble merciful character of Jesus . These 3 epistles are filled with the love of God and how much we need to love one another . Immagine the day you die What will have counted and being important in your life ? The love you gave and the love you have received .

The second epistle of John book Chapter 1 In this epistle John inspired of God continues to explain the love of God Then after we have the book of revelation which is one of the most intensenprophecy book if not the best prophecy book in history . What is prophecy ? History in advance. It is funny some people say study prophecy but do not look at history When in fact prophecy is history in advance

The second epistle of John book There is only one chapter in this book One of the shortest book in the bible . John has 3 letters 1 John has 5 short chapters . 2 and 3 John have only one chapter each . John is the one God inspired to writer For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son . That whosoever believe sin him shall not perich but have eternal life .

This life eternel where there will be no more death, no more tears, no more suffering is in Jesus . Not our works, not our goodness . The second epistle of John book He that recognizes that he is a sinner is on his way to receive conversion . Conversion is a rare experience . Most christians are leiaglists and think that by what they do they enter heaven . The second epistle of John book With our own works there is no salvation With the works of Jesus all is well with our souls .

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