Dolly said get it so she got it. Now she is dead as a carp.

4 months ago

She had an "active" kidney and bladder infection but hot her shot anyway because the well trained (not educated but trained) doctors said she should. If you have an inactive kidney and bladder infection, does that mean you are cured of them? Do these just act up or pop up whenever they want? I digress sorry.

"Her chances of ending up on a vent were high if she did not get the shot? Close! High if you do get the shot...

Because she got the shot she went on social media and told everyone how great it was and that it was available to those as young as 16, so be sure to kill your kids. Oh, and she gets her medical advise from Dolly Parton. Once your dead it's a bit to late. Right Dolly? Well Dolly she died thanks to you.

This is what a dumb bitch looks like. She would have been dead instead of only half dead if she had not gotten her kill shot. She has a science degree. It shows. Died from a "pre existing" heart condition. (nice coverup).

These people kill themselves, want us to kill ourselves, get pissed off when we won't do it, then their sick family wants us to help with funeral expenses. Amazing huh? Needs 30 grand to plant her? Really?

Source: The Kurgan Report:

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