Everyday Words of Wisdom Part 7

5 months ago

🌟 Spread love, play music, and stay kind. 🎶
Transcribed from "Everyday Wisdom by Dr. Wayne Dyer".
A Video Series From @Science-God , Narrated by @OblivionCocoon.
All it takes is one great idea, just one simple little sentence, and one little notion that can transform your life. That's the idea behind Everyday Words Of Wisdom Video Series.

If you can pick up one new idea you can motivate yourself to a new level of success, happiness, and fulfillment in your life.
You don't have to start this from the beginning in order to get the maximum use out of this.

You can just pick up anywhere, anytime...
Just get one good idea, that idea could be something that will make a relationship work in a better way.
It might be something that will increase your prosperity level increased.

It might be something that'll help you heal yourself from some kind of an inner wound, whether it's an emotional or even a physical impairment.

You know everything starts with an idea, Ralph Waldo Emerson said that "the ancestor every action is a thought."
Just one of these ideas, just one can become the basis for a whole new action in your life.

So it is recommended that you take just a few minutes and let these ideas stir around in you.

And then act on it. Or have a new awareness or motivate yourself or just use these ideas as an affirmation that this is the way this day is going to go.




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