Anderson Cooper Gets Drilled In The Face By Debris While Covering Hurricane Milton Live On-Air

4 months ago

Posted • October 10, 2024: Comedian Ron White has a great bit about storms: "It isn't that the wind is blowing, it's what the wind is blowing." -- He's right, of course. Keeping that in mind, we never quite understood why reporters stood outside during hurricanes. It's raining and windy and flooding. We get it, and there's no need to risk your life and safety to show us by sticking a reporter in some waders out on a street during the storm. But they do it. CNN's Anderson Cooper was in Florida covering Hurricane Milton, which made landfall yesterday. He got slammed in the face with some debris. “That wasn’t good”: Anderson Cooper gets whacked by debris whilst reporting at the water’s edge. Yeah, go inside and stay inside.

But sympathy was limited on X. After his little “flooding” incident, I have a difficult time believing this wasn’t planned. And given the stunts the media pull these days, wouldn't surprise us. Oh no! I hope the debris is okay… Oof. -- He got hit with styrofoam. I’m laying money on it was a set up. Nothing ever rings true or honest with this guy. -- There's a lot of skepticism about this. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Anderson Cooper DRILLED in the Face by Debris While Covering Hurricane Milton (But Gets Little Sympathy)
Anderson Cooper drilled in face by flying debris during live on-air Hurricane Milton report: ‘That wasn’t good’

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