The End Times Questions and Answers Show!! Extended Version!

4 months ago

Dave and Emma Lindsted discuss a more simple timeline chart and have a good Q&A time. What is the rapture? What is the tribulation? When does Jesus come back? What is the Great White throne?

0:00 Intro
0:56 Detailed Chart
3:18 Simple Chart
8:24 Rapture in the Bible
15:19 Tribulation Period
22:05 Why Israel still matters
24:55 Sheep Goat Judgment
25:50 Bema Seat of Christ
26:55 Where do unsaved go now
27:19 Lake of Fire
28:00 Extended
28:40 Details about the Church Age
31:31 Time of Jacob's Trouble explained
32:30 Signs leading to the Tribulation
33:12 Why the Bible is greater than "divine revelation"
38:11 Christian Politics?
41:45 Sheep Goat more detailed
45:18 Gog, Magog war
48:35 Satan released from the pit
49:31 Is America in Bible prophecy?
52:18 Replacement Theology
52:55 Where does the antichrist come from
57:18 What happens in heaven after the rapture
1:00:35 Christianity is a fulfillment of Judaism
1:02:00 Why did Christ come the first time?
1:04:07 Other religions view on priest
2:06:55 God on marriage

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