Overview Of Israel’s Iron Dome System Failing Miserably

5 months ago

From VAT VP Ricky “ Doc “ Rogers : Good evening, Brother.

Back to continuing saga of FEMA ....... I hope this information helps you and others understand the fraud our government portrays when it comes to the illusion of FEMA.

Since Hurricane Milton has made landfall, you will begin hearing more verbal jousting concerning what FEMA IS and ISN'T doing.

Since we are on the heels of Hurricane Helene, there will be more verbal denial and illusion of FEMA.

The good thing is that Florida is accustomed to hurricanes and has established their own protocols for dealing with the aftermath of hurricanes. I doubt the Florida senators and congressmen will say anything because Governor DeSantis has the ball.

After the complete failure of FEMA in the wake of Hurricane Andrew, Florida governors and Florida SEMA (State Emergency Management Agency) have been proactive in developing plans and procedures for pre and post Hurricanes, as you are seeing via Governor DeSantis announcing FEMA is NOT needed in Florida and he (DeSantis is the Sheriff and in charge of the hurricane disaster recover). This is a smart move given the fact that he knows what FEMA IS all about. It pays to do one's homework and research, especially when government agencies infiltrate your state, county, city, town, etc....

Btw heres some additional history on hurricane Andrew:

Then Florida Governor Lawton Chiles really DROPPED the ball on ALL efforts to help the citizens of Florida City and the southeastern area of Florida, To the point that nothing was being done by Chiles 6 months after the Hurricane. 45 days after the Hurricane President Bush chastised him on several occasions and threatened to impeach him for gross negligence and incompetence and install the Lt. Governor under the articles of marital law, as martial law was in place for all of South Florida, ( the president could actually do this ). Many wanted him gone .... period. Lt. Governor Buddy MacKay came to the rescue and picked up the pieces and coordinated the recovery efforts. MacKay later became governor after Chiles died in office and then was a Special Envoy for President Clinton. ( Why Chiles was reelected governor has been a great mystery to the citizens of Florida ). Hence, the floating Chad rears its ugly head once again.


The FEMA budget has ALWAYS been the method of public distraction used by both the FEMA Director and politicians (you will see politicians bitching about FEMAs lack of action [mainly those politicians of affected areas. After all, it is part of the political play by the politicians] and of course, those politicians praising FEMA of the non-affected areas. (Their effort to maintain FEMAs secrecy).

Keep in mind that FEMA operates under the vail of anonymity and secrecy. How else could they build modern-day concentration camps. Additionally, old, closed Walmarts have been some of the places that have been converted into these camps. <our tax dollars hard at work>.

Now that you know what they are about and their reason for existence, it makes it easier to understand.

The budget distraction is by design, always defaulting to we don't have enough funding or political budget grid-lock (shutting down the government always seems to be FEMAs secondary play.)

How the budget is allocated:

Like the Department of Veterans Affairs, the appropriation is always 2 years in front of the current fiscal year budget.

This is planned by design, so the VA will have funding irregardless of current budget shortfalls so they can continue with medical services and burial services. (NOTE. The VBA is NOT part of this appropriation. Theirs is "set-aside" funding for the VBA mainly just to keep the doors open.)

In other words, the current 2024 budget the VA is operating on was approved in 2022.

As you know, I am very well versed in how the VA allocates its budget.

When I was working in the VA as a Service Chief, my fiscal budget was $25 million dollars annually with an automatic 10% increase per fiscal year prior to my actual budget requirement submission.

With that in mind, FEMAs budget is allocated the same way the VA budget is allocated, 2 fiscal years ahead.

This is done for prewar preparation and massive civil unrest preparation.

I hope this helps. I will probably write more concerning where some (and it isn't much) of FEMAs budget has gone. Actually NONE of FEMAs money was used, they were just the repository of money the politicians earmarked for the illegal aliens coming into the country.

Have a peaceful evening Brother.

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