Annoyed Reef Fish Attacks Scuba Diver's Cameraa

6 years ago

The ocean is a beautiful place that is full of fascinating, colorful, occasionally terrifying creatures. Plenty of people learn how to scuba dive or snorkel so that they can take in the amazing sights that the ocean offers. That said, sometimes the ocean or the creatures within it don’t necessarily feel like being seen. The scuba diver in this video is just filming their experience in the ocean when an apparently annoyed fish decides that he doesn’t have time for paparazzi.

We are guessing here, but we are fairly certain that the fish that comes after this scuba diver is a Kole Tang also known as a kole yellow eye tang, yellow eye tang or spotted surgeonfish. The Kole Tang has an origin in Hawaii but a range that includes much of the region of the world called Oceania. Oceania includes Australia, New Zealand and many island nations like Fiji, Tonga, and Papua New Guinea. Kole Tangs eat algae and have been seen cleaning algae off of the shells of sea turtles.

We read that in parts of Maui, there are “cleaning stations” where green sea turtles gather to be groomed by Kole Tangs. Kole Tangs are popular fish for people who enjoy keeping saltwater aquariums. It is valued for its algae eating. Though we read that surgeonfish can get quite aggressive toward other Kole Tangs. Though they tend to be very peaceful toward other fish. And it does take quite a lot to keep a Kole Tang. At a minimum you need to have a 70-gallon aquarium and lots of space for them to swim. Though they do like having hiding spaces for resting.

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