Kamala Harris Takes Cringe Hurricane Photo-Opping To Cat-5 Levels In Pathetic New Campaign Stunt

5 months ago

Posted • October 10, 2024: Vice President Kamala Harris is so spectacularly bad at what she does that reporting on it may sometimes come across as a "dog bites man" thing, where you know the outcome of it well in advance. But because she's in a position of great power and wants one that has even more power, these things have to be documented if for no other reason than to let the record show that this is what she tried to do and this is how it turned out - with her chalking up another massive and embarrassing "L." The latest example happened Wednesday as Hurricane Milton was making landfall in Florida. The Harris campaign - perhaps smarting over Joe Biden taking Ron DeSantis' side over Harris' on the issue of leadership in times of crises - sent the Democrat presidential nominee on a phone call spree. Harris called The Weather Channel and CNN among others to try and prove she was a capable and concerned leader who wanted to help Floridians through the storm.

There were some hiccups along the way, as we detailed, but one video that got people particularly incensed was one posted to Harris' Twitter/X account a little after 10 pm Eastern time Wednesday night, some two hours or so after Milton hit. In it, we see Harris on a phone call with St. Petersburg, Florida Mayor Ken Welch earlier in the day. Every single thing about it comes across as scripted, including what Harris said, how she looked, and the inclusion of Welch's side of the call. What was especially noteworthy about it in my opinion was that there was no new information in it on her end related to anything useful for the residents of St. Petersburg beyond hearing that Welch was saying the city was preparing for the storm and ready to launch relief/rebuild efforts - which members of the community most likely already knew:

Vice President Kamala Harris @VP: “This afternoon, I spoke with Mayor Ken Welch. I let him know: Our Administration stands with the people of St. Petersburg as they prepare for Hurricane Milton, and we will be with them as long as it takes to recover.” -- Understandably, people were disgusted: “Hi, Mayor, I know you’re busy with the hurricane and everything. Do you have a minute to film a campaign commercial?” She’s doing exactly what DeSantis said she was doing. She’s trying to use this horrendous crisis to promote herself. And the ultimate reality checks: Kamala Harris called in to the Lawrence O'Donnell show on MSNBC to discuss Hurricane Milton. I'm reasonably certain she would not have done that in a million years prior to July 21. The president said he was coordinating with the Florida governor after Kamala Harris said otherwise, and now she has spent her entire day trying to insert herself into the chain of command. While simultaneously claiming DeSantis was politicizing the hurricane. (…)

• More at: RedState - Kamala Harris Takes Cringe Hurricane Photo-Opping to Cat-5 Levels in Pathetic New Campaign Stunt
Twitchy: Honey … You SUCK at This: Kamala Feigns Sincerity, Importance in Staged Call to Florida Mayor

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