Woke Arizona Sheriff Gets Roasted for Saying THIS About Border Walls

1 month ago

Sparks were flying on Capitol Hill as members of Congress blasted an anti-borders activist who is also an Arizona sheriff for his twisted opinions on border security.

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"Marjorie Taylor Greene Explodes On Border County Sheriff Who Testified That His County Is Safe," Forbes Breaking News, 9/18/2024, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BImndLy_Y24

"'Do You Have A Front Door At Your House?': Eli Crane Clashes With Witness At Hearing On Border," Forbes Breaking News, 9/18/2024, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irt2LAZgyWE

"'You Don't Think We Have A Border Crisis?': Sparks Fly As Dan Bishop Grills Sheriff," Forbes Breaking News, 9/18/2024, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plTFUZEusNw

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