Sacral Chakra and Kundalini Activation. You will experience more PLEASURE in your life!

3 months ago

This a guided meditation activation to activate your sacral chakra so you can experience pleasure in all areas of your life. There is also, a kundalini activation to awaken your power within you. Through breath work, visualization, and self-massage, you will release tension you will open up your chakras and your flow of life force energy. You can also continue on your own to transmute all that doesn't serve you with orgasmic bliss, Just make sure to be in a comfortable area alone and use this as a meditative experience.

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Key Takeaways:

1. Sacral Chakra Activation: Learn how to open your sacral chakra, enhancing emotional connection and experiences of pleasure in all areas of your life.

2. Kundalini Awakening: Engage in self-massage techniques for grounding and Kundalini awakening, accessible to all genders.

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