Fewer than 1% of the hardest hit from Weather Warfare Helene had insurance

4 months ago

And why would they. This would never happen naturally. This is weather warfare.
Some links for more information are below.

"Changing weather patterns have underwriters guessing"...HELLO...they are not changing, they are being manipulated. Meanwhile we send billions overseas and let thousands of knuckle scrapers across the boarder and set them up in housing, food and cash. I guarantee they will let these people starve and die.

They won't rebuild. This is part of the destruction. This is the destruction of America right in our faces. People are too stupid to see it. Everyone's taxes and insurance rates will continue to climb as they destroy property and infrastructure.

This is weather warfare. This is according to plan. Don't think so? Check out.
Here is a list of 100 US Patents Related to Weather Modification:

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