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THE NEW ARABIAN NIGHTS 2 The Tale of the Bull and the Donkey

5 months ago

This new edition of THE ARABIAN NIGHTS published by Richard F. Burton is edited by Alan Lewis Silva. Thus, THE NEW ARABIAN NIGHTS updates some anachronistic word choice and makes some religious descriptions of the spiritual more universal.

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Alan Lewis Silva is the minister of Sdbiblestudy Church. He is a California author of seven books, including Two Essene Gospels (2023), Early Christianity Unveiled (2022), and Keys to the Hebrew Alphabet and Numbers (2021), and many songs. Sdbiblestudy Church is a Christian Bible study church Alan Lewis Silva began in 2016 (https://sdbiblestudy.org). Alan Lewis Silva has published hundreds of educational and creative videos on Youtube, Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/sdbiblestudy) and Odysee (https://odysee.com/@californiaauthor:d) with books available for purchase at https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/alanlewissilva and elsewhere.

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