Little Boy’s Rope Swing Fail

6 years ago

If you are a fan of water sports, you’ll like this video for sure! It shows a little boy’s rope swing adventures and it’s absolutely hilarious! As the clip starts, you can see a young boy named Tyler having so much fun with his family on a lake. He’s about to use a rope swing over the lake, and you can tell that he’s very excited about it! You go, little one! While everyone is calling his name and encouraging him, he jumps holding onto the swing rope. He probably got a little bit too excited because he forgot to let go of the rope. LOL! Instead of jumping into the lake, the boy keeps swinging over the lake. LOL! His dad grabs him to save him from hitting the ground, but then hilarity ensues! They both end up falling into the water! That’s a spectacular rope swing fail if you ask me!

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